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EnglishRose and curiousa2z


Shatna is in the Chat Room alone, and he is doing bad things there. Someone needs to stop him!!!! :shock:
lol - still on-line - saw the downloads ER - they're fantastic! He's like the Dr. Seuss of architecture - original, brilliant, and worth another look.
Thanks for scanning 'em, ER.
and now I really MUST get back to that painting!
TK is TOO addictive sometimes :)
No, but that means I'll have to deal with Shatna doing bad things all on my own *pout* ;)

Re: downloads - you're welcome :)
Shatna, I can't get to chat right now...I need a moment or two to ummm well do stuff, I'll be back later, hope to catch you in chat then. Try and behave yourself :D
do I have send in the TK clean up squad? I had no idea that you had such a hard time behaving yourself Shatna, I need to instruct you in the ways of restraint
*gasp* a man chewing on the precious remote. How will the men get along without it?

Yipee, new furniture for the chat room....!!
ER said:
Shatna, I need to instruct you in the ways of restraint

OMG! Am I the only one who can think of the possible "instructions" she might employ...?!!

*looks around to see if there's any popcorn left...this should be good...*