Ethical considerations of work


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
One of the things I insisted on when I started this new career job thing is that if I'm going to make a lot of money at it, one of the underpinnings is that the mechanics and structure of the sales process are ethical.

To me, if you're going to influence someone with integrity into giving you their money, it should be for mutual benefit.

The dilemma for me is that the process was represented ethically in training, but the execution of the sales process is being run by people who have no ethics, and are demanding that I start to influence people without integrity AFTER I've gained their trust.

It's pissing me off, and rather than pitch a fit, tell everyone to fuck off and quit in a huff to teach them a fucking lesson I'd like to exert my influence on them to change the process.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Son, can you please keep a job? You have a family to support.

I love trolls like this one. No matter how many times I use it, I always hook the fishies :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Hero, the only person I was intending to troll with this thread was you.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I love trolls like this one. No matter how many times I use it, I always hook the fishies :bigass:

This thread got funny, fast.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
He does seem a little pissed off. I wonder what happened?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Must be weird having a dad that wants to fuck you up the ass all the time. Imagine creating a dual over it?

Maybe therapy would help?


New Member
I think Hero has gay oedipal complex.

The therapist should be able to help him overcome it (or come over it... :D)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I was gonna say "don't forget to squeeze the charmin" but that would be redundant.