Evil Homosexual Cabal In Leauge WIth Satan To Destroy Family!!

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Ex-Gay Ministries

Gays are "sexual deviants"

Michael Johnston, head of Kerusso Ministries (an "ex-gay" conversion center): "You know, really, when you think about it -- let me just be blunt here -- when an individual 'comes out' and proclaims their homosexuality, really, what they are doing is standing up and saying, 'I'm a sexual deviant, and I'm proud of it.' " - Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html

Satan uses homosexuals

"Satan uses homosexuals as pawns. They're in, as you know, key positions in the media, they're in the White House, they're in everything, they're in Hollywood now. Then, unfortunately, after he uses them, he infects them with AIDS and then they die." Anthony Falzarano, PFOX, Janet Parshall's America, 2/27/96 - http://www.pfaw.org/issues/right/rtvw.antigay.shtml

Acceptance of homosexuality leads to "death and despair"

Jane Boyer, Board Member of Exodus Ex-Gay Ministries: "in areas that are most accepting of homosexuality, such as Hollywood and San Francisco and New York, there is the highest percentage of suicide, death from chemical dependency, drug addiction, alcoholism, and HIV amongst the gay community, and I am concerned about that, because I love the homosexual. Obviously, in those areas that they are receiving the greatest acceptance, there is the highest percentage of death and despair amongst the gay community." - Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html

Homosexuality is a "deathstyle"

Chris Johnson: "I come to you as a witness, one who lived in this lifestyle for over 10 years of my life. Actually, it became a death style. Slowly I was dying spiritually, mentally, and also physically. I was involved in alcohol and drugs so deeply, this was ingrained within me, because that was the lifestyle, to constantly stay high, not be aware or conscious of actually how hurt one really was in this lifestyle."- Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html

Lesbian love is "a lie"

Jane Boyer, Board Member of Exodus Ex-Gay Ministries: "lesbian love is a counterfeit, it's a lie, and we are far too easily pleased with a counterfeit. And that is what the gay community -- that is the deception, is that when they turn to homosexual behavior, when they turn to these gay relationships, it doesn't fill. It gives the illusion of being satisfying. But it really doesn't. It really doesn't."- Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html

Lesbians are "broken people" with "a lack of self-worth"

Jane Boyer, Board Member of Exodus Ex-Gay Ministries: "when two women come together in this kind of relationship, you are both broken people in a lot of pain, in need to be loved and accepted, a lack of identity, a lack of self-worth." - Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html

Gays out to destroy marriage

"Basically, the homosexual, let's say the political gay community, is out to destroy the traditional marriage, heterosexual marriage, that God has designed for us." - Anthony Falzarano http://www.frc.org/net/st96d2.html

Gay rights will bring wrath of God

"MR. FALZARANO: America is against gay marriage.
MS. HAMRICK: Oh, yes.
MR. FALZARANO: And, hopefully, they will never accept it, or the wrath of God will come upon this country." - http://www.frc.org/net/st96d2.html

Gays need a good "whack"

"Basically, homosexuality is a neurosis. It's healable, it's treatable. We are ministering to 6,000 former homosexuals in the Exodus network. Basically, homosexuality is a stunting of psychosexual growth. They are children inside, and any parents out there -- you know, when your kid is spoiled, he'll keep coming at you and keep coming at you and keep coming at you until you give him a whack on the bottom and say, 'Enough!' and then the child will stop." - Anthony Falzarano, http://www.frc.org/net/st96d2.html

Abuse is main cause of homosexuality

"Eighty percent of the people that have come to Transformation in Washington have been sexually abused as children. Ninety-eight percent of them did not bond with their same-sex parent. And, basically, that is the main cause of homosexuality." - Anthony Falzarano, http://www.frc.org/net/st96d2.html

Gay parents are "child abuse"

"There is a case in the Rhode Island court system right now. This poor father called me, and he says, 'I need help.' Basically, his wife left him for a woman, and basically, there is a custody fight over the two girls, two young girls in the family. Basically, the judge said to this young father, 'Look, I'm not concerned if your wife is a lesbian. I want to find out who is the most suitable parent to take custody over these children.' And he describes how unstable his former wife's girlfriend is, and to expose two pure young girls to a lesbian relationship -- it's child abuse, and I can't believe the courts would even consider giving custody to this woman." - Anthony Falzarano, http://www.frc.org/net/st96d2.html

Molestation, rape causes gays

"Well, 80 percent of the people that come to Transformation Ministries in Washington, D.C., have been sexually molested and/or raped as children. We see that. We take an informal poll every six months, and the data is accurate. It keeps coming up constant, somewhere between 70 to 80 percent....We see high levels of divorce, high levels of alcoholism, very, very dysfunctional family situations." - Anthony Falzarano, http://www.frc.org/net/st95l1.html

Gay cabal controls everything

"You know, the gays are in control in Hollywood; they are in control of television; they are in key positions at the Washington Post now; and they watch everything that is coming into the newspaper or television and radio, and they are editing it out." - Anthony Falzarano, http://www.frc.org/net/st95l1.html

Being gay is like drug addiction

"What's your answer to the "it's genetic" statement?
MR. FALZARANO: It's an absolute lie that comes from the pit of hell. Basically, we are seeing many people come through Exodus and walk successfully out of a homosexual disorientation....It's hard. It's the equivalent of coming off of heroin." - http://www.frc.org/net/st95l1.html

Gays haven't found Jesus

"MS. HAMRICK: What does it take [to leave homosexuality]?
MR. FALZARANO: I mean, you are really turning your life totally over to Jesus Christ to realize that you need this higher power -- and I call my higher power Jesus Christ -- to walk successfully out of a lifestyle that basically permeates your entire being." - http://www.frc.org/net/st95l1.html

Gays join devil in attacking family

"MR. FALZARANO: And the devil is attacking the family. He is trying to destroy the family now, and we must keep our families together.
MS. HAMRICK: And that's at the heart of it, isn't it?
MS. HAMRICK: It's an attack on the family." - http://www.frc.org/net/st95l1.html

Ex-gay "researcher" says gays recruit

" 'I would suggest to you,' she said, 'that while the homosexual population may right now be one to two percent, hold your breath, people, because the recruitment is loud; it is clear; it is everywhere. You'll be seeing, I would say, twenty percent or more, probably thirty percent, or even more than that, of the young population will be moving into homosexual activity.' " - Judith Reisman - http://www.ifas.org/fw/9408/gleneyrie.html

