Explain This Shit


Full Frontal Nudity
jack habitually brings RLI and woes onto this board... in fact we have an admin's admission in another thread that he just did it, but he gets a stern talking to. I, CoyoteUgly, stumble right into someone else's circle jerk, and I get banned.

If jack just broke the rules, then he should be banned. Where's the hammer? Or do the rules get applied out of balance?

And yeah, Gagh... I got a ton of duals, so we can keep this up. Either reinstate me or flush jack, or both. I'm easy on all counts.


jack habitually brings RLI and woes onto this board... in fact we have an admin's admission in another thread that he just did it, but he gets a stern talking to. I, CoyoteUgly, stumble right into someone else's circle jerk, and I get banned.

If jack just broke the rules, then he should be banned. Where's the hammer? Or do the rules get applied out of balance?

And yeah, Gagh... I got a ton of duals, so we can keep this up. Either reinstate me or flush jack, or both. I'm easy on all counts.

I'm happy to let this one pass, CU, because it's a valid question.


What's the answer then? Why does shortstuff get a pass, but I don't?

It's not my call, CU. I'll be totally honest with everyone though - based on the posts from the thread I've closed, it would be the reverse of that.

The ultimate decision comes down to the owner of the board - as it always has.


Full Frontal Nudity
Here's the thing: banning someone from TK is like fucking an oil barrel... unless you've got a really big dick, it's a waste of time. Case in point: here I am.

jack's been banned before too, and he still posted under other duals, so it's really useless.

If RLI gets posted, then delete it and move on. You're not accomplishing anything by banning an account.

Now, if you're going to enforce a ban for posting RLI or whatever the situation may be, then you have to enforce it equally across the board, or it's even more useless.

Admins, the question is: exactly how useless do you want to look when all is said and done? Because right now, the admin in question... Conchaga... is simply coming off as a cocksucker. Sounds like someone needs to lose their position.
Must be why you spend so much time following him around. A jack dancer with a brain & a good grasp of the English language is still a jack dancer.

Well obviously we have a rapist in Lincoln Park. He is climbing in your windows, he is snatching your people up trying to rape them.

Anyway, the answer to you is "OMFG, LULZ, you responded so u = pwnz." Cheap laugh you know.

Thanks for the compliment, BTW.


Full Frontal Nudity
Just to add some flavoring to the mix, here's a direct quote from Conchaga:

CU, you knew better. That's all I have to say.

Alright, let's run with that...

As far as Jack is concerned, I second what Gagh said. I asked nicely to keep this shit off here. It's now out of my hands.

So... jack's been banned twice before for injecting RLI, and he get's "asked nicely" to cease? I do it once, and I get shown the door. What sort of standard is that, Conchaga? I'm asking you directly, since you hit the button on me. Why does jack get "asked nicely" but I don't get that treatment. Come here and tell us.

Or you could just admit you suck jack's dick and be done with it. I mean, it's not like we don't all know you're a little bitch.


beer, I want beer
Banning serves one purpose here at TK: the drama queen who gets banned immediately throws a meltdown/hissy fit and comes back with an obvious dual, and then everybody gets entertained for the weekend.



Full Frontal Nudity
Banning serves one purpose here at TK: the drama queen who gets banned immediately throws a meltdown/hissy fit and comes back with an obvious dual, and then everybody gets entertained for the weekend.


That's exactly what jack did once, and you were right behind him backing him up like the good little bitch ye be.



beer, I want beer
That's exactly what jack did once, and you were right behind him backing him up like the good little bitch ye be.


note the clever use of pronouns. Besides, you were gone a while. Jack's had more than one meltdown.

What are you, a pirate now? You have a real problem with self-image. First you're a teen schoolgirl, now you're Captain Jackdancer, scourge of the high seas. ARRR, matey, there be sharks in these waters! Walk the plank! Shiver me timbers!

lol bet you wear a hat with three points and mascara like johnny depp when you post this shit...