Failed Thread Ideas at TK

I Love Cunt

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The Decision Thread
Each person was asked to either post a quandary or solutions to such quandarys.

No post was ever taken seriously and each person was told to GTFO. It never worked.

Each Badlands Thread

The good threads are kept in a secret place, called "The Dump"
It didn't work because, well there was a fire and some weeds, a couple of dildos and something awful happened.

Each Visible Badlands Thread

Hey don't look at me. A person has to have somewhere to store their rough drafts.

I Love Cunt

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The sKaNJDBF Thread
A thread created for every sKan, jack dancer and Black Foot to post in.
Did not work. The children had other threads in which to share their wonderful knowledge.

Any thread since January 2006
I kept hearing it was better before I got here.

P.S. Does not include any current or past MF threads because all of those threads are awesome.


Retired Account
It was better in the beginning.