Fast for Peace


Do your part to bring the troops home...

Food for Thought: On Fourth of July, National Organization for Women Fasts for Peace

As people across the U.S. celebrate the nation's 230th birthday, families will be enjoying the holiday with picnics and backyard gatherings full of food and good spirit. Grills will be sizzling with hotdogs and barbecue chicken and buttered corn; plates will be piled with potato salad, coleslaw and apple pie. This year, however, thousands of soldiers serving in Iraq will not share in their families' festivities, and 2,539 women and men will never see another Fourth of July.

To call attention to the impact of this unjust war, NOW Executive Vice President Olga Vives and I are joining the CODEPINK "Troops Home Fast" hunger strike on July 4, to support the U.S. troops who remain in danger in Iraq as well as those who are standing up for peace by refusing to fight.

NOW continues to call for an immediate end to this destructive and costly war. We want withdrawal of U.S. troops so our sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, can come home. We must raise our voices for peace—no matter how hard it becomes—because it is necessary to speak up for what is right. Fasting is a small way for me to demonstrate my commitment to for peace, but collectively it is a powerful message.

Activist Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son in the Iraq war, heads a long list of celebrities and activists who will begin fasting today. They include actors Danny Glover, Sean Penn, Ed Asner and Susan Sarandon; Rev. Al Sharpton; singer/songwriter Willie Nelson; and Members of Congress Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.) and Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.).
Put those burgers and hot dogs away, people! Go hungry tomorrow, and show the Bush administration you mean business about not supporting the war.
Unless it's outside the White House, with dozens of people near-death, nothing will come of it.
How the hell is not eating going to affect when the troops are brought home? This is one of the things makes groups like NOW look like collections of nutjobs. Seriously, in what world do the policymakers of these groups think they live, where punishing themselves is going to exert pressure on the government?

Don't get me wrong, I wish things worked that way. Shit, if things really did work that way, I might've gotten that plastic rocket when I was 3. "I'll just hold my breath until blablablablabla!"

I'd like to see what refusing to shit would make the government do, though.
This is a complete lie. The actors will perform a "group fast", which means one actor will not eat for 8 hours, and then the next celebrity will take over. They will be eating throughout!

Typical non-action by the Traitorcrats who don't stand for anything but their hatred of Bush.

Calling one side of the American political coin traitorous is pointless. Look how Republicans are just as eager to have the country swamped by Mexicans.
Liberal democrats are proud of their opposition to the United States. They consider it a point of honor to call our government the #1 terrorist, they love any opportunity to bash our troops, and they always side with America's enemies. It's not an accusation, it's something they're proud of.

Watch the Traitorcrats when our government or our soldiers are accused of doing something wrong. No demands for proof, no corroboration, no fact-checking, they automatically believe it. Every time. Guaranteed. Yet let our troops claim something, or Bush, and they don't believe it! Why that must be verified and fact-checked with dozens and dozens of other authorities before they'll believe it. But if something makes America look bad, they'll enthusiastically believe it, every time.

Traitorcrats is what they are, and they might as well be proud of it.

Reverend Phelps said:
I hope Sheehan and all her cronies die.
She is a whore trying to profit from the death of her son.

I see her point, but I think she's going about it the wrong way. I live fairly close to Bush's ranch (well...sort of), and I can tell you that most people were less than thrilled with all the crap she put that area (Crawford) through. I think her point really got lost in the media changed when the one guy was "trying" to ram them with his car and such. The whole lot of them are crazy!
Reverend Phelps said:
I hope Sheehan and all her cronies die.
She is a whore trying to profit from the death of her son.

She is a stupid cunt.
The only people working for Peace are at the Pentagon.

Funny how peace activists are the least peaceful people on the planet, they're rotting with hatred, burning flags, and rioting. One could say they are always 'revolting'.
I haven't eaten breakfast yet, and it's almost noon.

Judging from the standards the actors have set for themselves, I'm fasting for peace.:shock:
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.

Fasting for peace is akin to slitting your wrists to stop the aging process. Both courses of action speak of misguided lunacy.

If only they would fast until world peace is enjoyed by all...

What a glorious new world we would have with all those lib corpses strewn about.
Ultros said:
Calling one side of the American political coin traitorous is pointless. Look how Republicans are just as eager to have the country swamped by Mexicans.

Democrats are along with them on that ride...

Don't say republicans, say politicians. It's all about the votes and the pandering.

The immigration dilemma isn't a dilemma at all. Fine the ever loving shit out of anyone with an illegal in his employ. Make it high enough to put small businessmen out of business if they are caught and make corporations feel the sting. Then deny all benefits to people here illegally. Enforce existing laws.

Done and done.

Won't even need the fence.