FBI is on the job!

Captain Jack

New member
Three guys were busted by the FBI for stealing secrets from CocaCola and were planning to sell them to Pepsi. TRUE STORY! My question is, if the FBI was able to bust these dumb-asses, why and how is Osama still running around? Hmmm...
Osamma hides like a rat in the dump, not an easy target like some industrial spies.
It's not convient for Bush to have Osama brought in right now. Wait until we get closer to this years elections.
It should be mentioned.....

FBI is internal threats/crimes (financial, terrorists once they are physically on our soil, that sort of thing)

CIA is external (most "investigations" on foreign soil, spying, etc).

There are a few exceptions. Embassy bombings are covered by the FBI because they are regarded as Sovereign US soil, but generally the above holds true.

It doesn't really take away from your point Spidey, but you should be blaming the right doofus here. ;)
I was going to go into that but I figured what the hell, the Bush administration is blurring all the lines between agencies and responsibilities anyways. Who the hell knows who's doing what anymore. :P
Why would Pepsi be interested in the Coke formula?

It was Coca-Cola that blinked during the Cola Wars, and changed the formula of their flagship beverage. Anyone remember "New Coke"? They were ashamed of their classic formula.

Maybe Coca-Cola should go back to their original formulation. It would guarantee an increase in users, I mean, consumers.
