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FederalAgent007 - SAINTLUCIFER


beer, I want beer
Listen up bitch. You caught me at a bad time. I was sick but then you knew that. I have noticed the dates on some of your posts. You have been aware of my presence all this time yet chose a moment I was weakened by illness to 'attack'. You clearly set up a trap for me but I caught it in time and called you on it

Damn. You cannot even take on SAINTLUCIFER when he is sicker than a dead dog. All that talk about what a wonderful troll you are? Sheeitt. I should have paid more attention. I actually (for only a moment) thought someone was serious about that stalking shit but my foggy medicated mind was screaming for my attention about a few holes in your story. So here we are. You have been caught for the idiot cunt that you are. Tell me, why did you run out of here right after all the above threads? Didn't want the others to see I made you my bitch in here? Does it perhaps have to do with the fact even with you AND the concerted efforts of MENTALCASE and MESSEDUP on your behalf failed? Shit. You cannot even take on people by yourself. You needed 'muscle'. *points at your ugly mug and laughs ROTFLMAO* I cannot believe THAT *points at the fucking cunt* is your famous 'JILLIAN'. You have to be pulling a fast one. No one is that stupid. Taking on a physically ill SAINTLUCIFER with the aid of two others and STILL getting her ass kicked. *ROTFLMAO* Hey bitch! Can you still say 'I HAVE BEEN PWNED BY SAINTLUCIFER THE VERY FIRST TIME I HAVE EVER SPOKEN TO HIM' by now? When I recover from my illness, we shall meet again. Next time bring more than just MENTALCASE and MESSEDUP. Seems THE QUESTION is most interested in getting in on this. Let him. Perhaps SAREK could help you? Still outnumbered by me? Alright. How about I toss in a few others. Allow me to scan the membership list. You think 5 more is enough? Hmm. I still outnumber you. Alright. Another 5? Excellent! Until then! Toodles!
SaintLucifer said:
Listen up bitch. You caught me at a bad time. I was sick but then you knew that. I have noticed the dates on some of your posts. You have been aware of my presence all this time yet chose a moment I was weakened by illness to 'attack'. You clearly set up a trap for me but I caught it in time and called you on it

Damn. You cannot even take on SAINTLUCIFER when he is sicker than a dead dog. All that talk about what a wonderful troll you are? Sheeitt. I should have paid more attention. I actually (for only a moment) thought someone was serious about that stalking shit but my foggy medicated mind was screaming for my attention about a few holes in your story. So here we are. You have been caught for the idiot cunt that you are. Tell me, why did you run out of here right after all the above threads? Didn't want the others to see I made you my bitch in here? Does it perhaps have to do with the fact even with you AND the concerted efforts of MENTALCASE and MESSEDUP on your behalf failed? Shit. You cannot even take on people by yourself. You needed 'muscle'. *points at your ugly mug and laughs ROTFLMAO* I cannot believe THAT *points at the fucking cunt* is your famous 'JILLIAN'. You have to be pulling a fast one. No one is that stupid. Taking on a physically ill SAINTLUCIFER with the aid of two others and STILL getting her ass kicked. *ROTFLMAO* Hey bitch! Can you still say 'I HAVE BEEN PWNED BY SAINTLUCIFER THE VERY FIRST TIME I HAVE EVER SPOKEN TO HIM' by now? When I recover from my illness, we shall meet again. Next time bring more than just MENTALCASE and MESSEDUP. Seems THE QUESTION is most interested in getting in on this. Let him. Perhaps SAREK could help you? Still outnumbered by me? Alright. How about I toss in a few others. Allow me to scan the membership list. You think 5 more is enough? Hmm. I still outnumber you. Alright. Another 5? Excellent! Until then! Toodles!
She knows who you are, you fucking idiot. Quit trying to deny it and threaten me.

What, are you too pussy to say your little diatribes here in public? It has to be through PMs?

Fuck you, Brian. Some fucking friend you turned out to be.