Troll Kingdom

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Finally!! Saint Lucifer Has Been IP-Banned!! I Am The Champion!! Victory Is Mine!!


beer, I want beer
Hello my children of Troll Kingdom. You may be happy to know the Admins of Troll Kingdom have finally deigned to IP-ban me. I am so deliriously happy I cannot tell you enough. Naturally once I finish this post, the Admins will ban this IP also. *ROTFLMAO*. Seems I have been making the Admins, Mods and Denizens of Troll Kingdom jump through hoops since Day One.

Last night, as one could clearly see, I had some fun spamming this little DayCare Center. It seems this is what drove the Admins over the edge. Ironically enough, MESSENGER did exactly the same thing I did but he was not banned. Why? Simple. The Admins, Mods and Denizens of Troll Kingdom know without a doubt I have driven MESSENGER insane with anger. Natch. *beams with pride*. He was perhaps the easiest victim I have ever had. No one I dealt with has ever snapped as much as he did. What I enjoyed most about MESSENGER would be the fact he threatened to visit me in Toronto and beat the shit out of me. I daresay I would welcome this challenge with open arms *ROTFLMAO @ anyone being dumb enough to physically threaten another individual over the internet*. To this very moment, I would be happy to accept MESSENGER into my city whereupon we may see fit to go a few rounds (knowing the silly little twit, it should take me no more than 5 seconds before one may utter 'game over').

Seems I also angered MONOLITH who claimed I was stalking her. Now this was truly funny. She believed this to be true simply because I was posting in Shoutbox pictures from her photo album. I find it most interesting that she claimed I had hacked her photo album. *ROTFLMAO*. When she made this claim, I was laughing so hard I pissed my pants. No doubt she took her fears to the Admins. I quite wonder if she happened to tell the Admins where the images I posted came from???? Did she tell them I simply pulled them from the Stripper thread in Speak Freely? *sneers*. What a fucking MORON. I had stated to her and others I would never post their pictures anywhere and I have stood by that claim since there is no honour in doing so. You are all free to check with CHARAS, WORDFORGE, EXISLE etc. Your pictures are nowhere to be found. Why? Simple. I never took them out of TK so I am a man of my word which is more than I can say for any of you shitheads. How does one such as MONOLITH claim I am stalking her and hacking her photo album when the pictures are freely available in 3 different forums within Troll Kingdom? You do not believe me? Go see for yourself. The best part? She posted them herself. I simply pulled them from one forum and posted them into Shoutbox. If this simple act frightens her the silly little twat would not last one second on the streets of Toronto. *ROTFLMAO*. I did the same thing to SHY also yet she did not complain. Naturally she would not since any bitch who posts images of herself naked within Troll Kingdom has no place making any complaints. Every single picture I posted within Shoutbox came from threads within Troll Kingdom. The mere fact you are all so stupid to not realise this is not my problem. If you wish to be frightened by actions anyone within Troll Kingdom may (and probably has) emulate, there is no hope for you cunts. If you wish to be whores and make yourselves so available via such images, that is your problem. You deserve everything that comes your way. I warned you about such activities. This is why I have never posted my picture anywhere within the internet. Unlike you asswipes, I have fucking brains.

Anyone notice I never posted the images of TIFF? Yet I have access to ALL of them. Wonder why I have never posted them? Simple. She knows when to shut the fuck up and mind her own goddamn business. This is a sign of some intellect. True she is not exactly firing on all thrusters but at least she knows when to stay out of things. I commend her on that and wish her a happy trip to China (why go to China? Just come to Toronto where there are just as many Chinks). This does not imply that I like her. I still think she is a total whore. After all, she did post pics of her naked self. One could never respect such a 'loose' female. I do not like her nor do I hate her. I do not care either way. She, like everyone else within TK, is irrelevant.

Since I have now been IP-banned, I have won the war. Those Admins of Troll Kingdom who screamed that individuals do not get banned from the site have been proven to be liars. I told them they were full of shit from Day One and they knew I was right. The temporary IP-ban they placed on me has now become a full IP-ban. No doubt this means I have been banned from Troll Kingdom forever. So be it. If this is what they wish then there is not much anyone could do about it. It is of little consequence anyway since I was becoming bored with that psycho MESSENGER following me about Troll Kingdom. If you do not believe it, check every single one of his threads. The man truly has a screw loose. I rather enjoyed watching him lose his mind in Shoutbox thanks to yours truly.

I bid you all farewell for now. I shall return whenever I decide to do so as I have come to enjoy raking this site over the coals. You all know very well the war between myself and Troll Kingdom was won by SaintLucifer. Do tell your grandchildren all about this famous war. Tell them how I personally destroyed Troll Kingdom simply by forcing the owners of the site to do something they claimed they would never do, IP-BAN someone. Ironically enough, SAMHAIN was IP-banned thanks to information I gleaned from MESSENGER. That is twice in one month the Admins of Troll Kingdom have been made out to be LIARS. I have PWned this entire site and you all know it. May you continue to fantasize about sucking and licking my balls. One day perhaps I may see fit to allow you all to guzzle all of my cum thus choking you all to death.

By the way, I will take a moment to wish that ugly fucking cunt Laker_Girl a Happy Birthday. The world is a worse place since her birth.

I must away now. I shall return whenver I feel it necessary. Yes, yes. I am aware the majority of you shall miss me but this is not an announcement of me leaving. I merely point out it is a pain-in-the-ass bypassing this IP-ban although quite fun since it is final proof I can never be defeated by the likes of the Troll Kingdom Admins. Please review the link and learn who your superiors are:
SaintLucifer said:
Hello my children of Troll Kingdom. You may be happy to know the Admins of Troll Kingdom have finally deigned to IP-ban me. I am so deliriously happy I cannot tell you enough. Naturally once I finish this post, the Admins will ban this IP also. *ROTFLMAO*. Seems I have been making the Admins, Mods and Denizens of Troll Kingdom jump through hoops since Day One.
You're posting right now, in case you haven't noticed!

Last night, as one could clearly see, I had some fun spamming this little DayCare Center. It seems this is what drove the Admins over the edge. Ironically enough, MESSENGER did exactly the same thing I did but he was not banned. Why? Simple. The Admins, Mods and Denizens of Troll Kingdom know without a doubt I have driven MESSENGER insane with anger. Natch. *beams with pride*.
Aaahahahahahahahahah! That's it, we'll make a Jillian out of you yet!

He was perhaps the easiest victim I have ever had. No one I dealt with has ever snapped as much as he did. What I enjoyed most about MESSENGER would be the fact he threatened to visit me in Toronto and beat the shit out of me. I daresay I would welcome this challenge with open arms *ROTFLMAO @ anyone being dumb enough to physically threaten another individual over the internet*. To this very moment, I would be happy to accept MESSENGER into my city whereupon we may see fit to go a few rounds (knowing the silly little twit, it should take me no more than 5 seconds before one may utter 'game over').
Never happened, so stop sniffing glue.
Seems I also angered MONOLITH who claimed I was stalking her. Now this was truly funny.

LOL LOL LOL!!! You spend hours here, at TK, insulting women. You're a real winner!

Ironically enough, SAMHAIN was IP-banned thanks to information I gleaned from MESSENGER. That is twice in one month the Admins of Troll Kingdom have been made out to be LIARS.
SaintLucifer said:
Hello my children of Troll Kingdom. You may be happy to know the Admins of Troll Kingdom have finally deigned to IP-ban me. I am so deliriously happy I cannot tell you enough. Naturally once I finish this post, the Admins will ban this IP also. *ROTFLMAO*. Seems I have been making the Admins, Mods and Denizens of Troll Kingdom jump through hoops since Day One.

Last night, as one could clearly see, I had some fun spamming this little DayCare Center. It seems this is what drove the Admins over the edge. Ironically enough, MESSENGER did exactly the same thing I did but he was not banned. Why? Simple. The Admins, Mods and Denizens of Troll Kingdom know without a doubt I have driven MESSENGER insane with anger. Natch. *beams with pride*. He was perhaps the easiest victim I have ever had. No one I dealt with has ever snapped as much as he did. What I enjoyed most about MESSENGER would be the fact he threatened to visit me in Toronto and beat the shit out of me. I daresay I would welcome this challenge with open arms *ROTFLMAO @ anyone being dumb enough to physically threaten another individual over the internet*. To this very moment, I would be happy to accept MESSENGER into my city whereupon we may see fit to go a few rounds (knowing the silly little twit, it should take me no more than 5 seconds before one may utter 'game over').

Seems I also angered MONOLITH who claimed I was stalking her. Now this was truly funny. She believed this to be true simply because I was posting in Shoutbox pictures from her photo album. I find it most interesting that she claimed I had hacked her photo album. *ROTFLMAO*. When she made this claim, I was laughing so hard I pissed my pants. No doubt she took her fears to the Admins. I quite wonder if she happened to tell the Admins where the images I posted came from???? Did she tell them I simply pulled them from the Stripper thread in Speak Freely? *sneers*. What a fucking MORON. I had stated to her and others I would never post their pictures anywhere and I have stood by that claim since there is no honour in doing so. You are all free to check with CHARAS, WORDFORGE, EXISLE etc. Your pictures are nowhere to be found. Why? Simple. I never took them out of TK so I am a man of my word which is more than I can say for any of you shitheads. How does one such as MONOLITH claim I am stalking her and hacking her photo album when the pictures are freely available in 3 different forums within Troll Kingdom? You do not believe me? Go see for yourself. The best part? She posted them herself. I simply pulled them from one forum and posted them into Shoutbox. If this simple act frightens her the silly little twat would not last one second on the streets of Toronto. *ROTFLMAO*. I did the same thing to SHY also yet she did not complain. Naturally she would not since any bitch who posts images of herself naked within Troll Kingdom has no place making any complaints. Every single picture I posted within Shoutbox came from threads within Troll Kingdom. The mere fact you are all so stupid to not realise this is not my problem. If you wish to be frightened by actions anyone within Troll Kingdom may (and probably has) emulate, there is no hope for you cunts. If you wish to be whores and make yourselves so available via such images, that is your problem. You deserve everything that comes your way. I warned you about such activities. This is why I have never posted my picture anywhere within the internet. Unlike you asswipes, I have fucking brains.

Anyone notice I never posted the images of TIFF? Yet I have access to ALL of them. Wonder why I have never posted them? Simple. She knows when to shut the fuck up and mind her own goddamn business. This is a sign of some intellect. True she is not exactly firing on all thrusters but at least she knows when to stay out of things. I commend her on that and wish her a happy trip to China (why go to China? Just come to Toronto where there are just as many Chinks). This does not imply that I like her. I still think she is a total whore. After all, she did post pics of her naked self. One could never respect such a 'loose' female. I do not like her nor do I hate her. I do not care either way. She, like everyone else within TK, is irrelevant.

Since I have now been IP-banned, I have won the war. Those Admins of Troll Kingdom who screamed that individuals do not get banned from the site have been proven to be liars. I told them they were full of shit from Day One and they knew I was right. The temporary IP-ban they placed on me has now become a full IP-ban. No doubt this means I have been banned from Troll Kingdom forever. So be it. If this is what they wish then there is not much anyone could do about it. It is of little consequence anyway since I was becoming bored with that psycho MESSENGER following me about Troll Kingdom. If you do not believe it, check every single one of his threads. The man truly has a screw loose. I rather enjoyed watching him lose his mind in Shoutbox thanks to yours truly.

I bid you all farewell for now. I shall return whenever I decide to do so as I have come to enjoy raking this site over the coals. You all know very well the war between myself and Troll Kingdom was won by SaintLucifer. Do tell your grandchildren all about this famous war. Tell them how I personally destroyed Troll Kingdom simply by forcing the owners of the site to do something they claimed they would never do, IP-BAN someone. Ironically enough, SAMHAIN was IP-banned thanks to information I gleaned from MESSENGER. That is twice in one month the Admins of Troll Kingdom have been made out to be LIARS. I have PWned this entire site and you all know it. May you continue to fantasize about sucking and licking my balls. One day perhaps I may see fit to allow you all to guzzle all of my cum thus choking you all to death.

By the way, I will take a moment to wish that ugly fucking cunt Laker_Girl a Happy Birthday. The world is a worse place since her birth.

I must away now. I shall return whenver I feel it necessary. Yes, yes. I am aware the majority of you shall miss me but this is not an announcement of me leaving. I merely point out it is a pain-in-the-ass bypassing this IP-ban although quite fun since it is final proof I can never be defeated by the likes of the Troll Kingdom Admins. Please review the link and learn who your superiors are:

This is by far the most retarded thing Luci has posted to date.

However, the seriousness with which he takes tk and the things that take place here is also proof positive that Luci does not in fact, get out of his mothers basement much.
Here's the bottom line Lucy, no one'll be forgotten as quickly as you have stopped posting.

Just watch :)
Sarek said:
This is by far the most retarded thing Luci has posted to date.

However, the seriousness with which he takes tk and the things that take place here is also proof positive that Luci does not in fact, get out of his mothers basement much.

Yet you are here? With me. Would you care to explain???? Who is taking anything seriously? I merely pointed out that the Admins of TK lied when they claimed to never do IP bans or bans of any kind. They have tossed every single ban at me with one exception which is most suprising - my user privileges which are absolutely minimal. Their IP ban does not work. Not my problem. Everyone knows those are easy to get around. I am puzzled as to why they do not simply ban my nick altogether. Perhaps they miss my wisdom yes?? I thought they would. All have much to learn that they can from the great SAINTLUCIFER. My fame spreads before me. No doubt word is getting out there that almost every single forum site on the internet has banned me because I was too much for them and I managed this with mere words. This is further proof that I am the God of GOD Himself.

I truly find it astonishing your words coming from an individual who posted to me when I had you on ignore. You even begged me to take you off ignore which proves you knew you were being ignored. I have a simple question. Why would you continue to post to me if you knew this? Desperation perhaps? About that 'no life' comment you made, every time I have been here I have seen you present holding hands with MESSENGER. Do either of you ever leave this site?? Even for dinner perhaps??