Finish The Story.....


I love you
That was the second time today that I saw blood. The first time was this morning after I got out of the shower. I was putting the blankets away I had washed this weekend when I noticed some blood had dripped down onto one and I touched my nose and realized it was bleeding.
But this blood was different. It was the blood of anger, some say passion, but I hate that word associated with murder. We had a dead body, a murder weapon but no suspect and no motive. I got into my car and drove back to the office. Just as I recieved a phone call and a text at the same time telling me not to answer the phone.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I put the phone down and it continued to ring. There was blood all over the phone as though splattered by it.

I rolled down the car window...


I love you
..and I threw the phone out onto the ground. I'm not sure why I did that really. Long day. So I parked my car and went out to retrieve the phone and to wash my hands off in a nearby creek. Just as I was getting back up tho I saw a rather large guy walking towards me.

He was about to tell me something...


And then he said “I saw you throw your phone out the window and then retrieve it…WTF is wrong with you”?.


I love you
"We haven't got enough time for that" said the unnamed person. "Mind your own business" and then walked back to thier car.

I Love Cunt

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"Not without me you don't!" The un-named person got into the car and introduced himself. "Hank. My name is Hank. Get used to me, we are going to be on a long journey together"


Zombie Hunter
"Do you have a tape-deck in this car?" Hank asked. "I have a tape I would like to play." I was wondering if I should get out the bear mace, but inside the car, I'd get it almost as bad as him. I hate Tuesdays.

I Love Cunt

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"Why would I have a tape deck Hank? Did you just time warp from 1980?" Nobody has tape decks in thier cars anymore. I really need to wash this blood off my hands tho, so I will be right back.
I opened up the car door and walked back to the creek.


Zombie Hunter
I'd taken the keys, so he could do nothing with the car. And if he got out, I could hose him down with the mace. But first to wash off the blood.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
After washng the blood off I returned and opened the trunk, looking for a towel and to see if that old 8-track player was still in there.