First bumper sticker I've ever considered getting...


Even a half way conservative person as myself can agree with that. How about bring home the troops from Kosovo, Germany and S.korea too?

My step son flew out yesterday on his way to S. Korea , I have no idea what the airforce needs him there for. :(
Got a message from the troops. Seems that those Iraqis love bumper stickers. They're a bit different, but they still make their point. Here are some of the more popular ones found in Baghdad:

My other car is a bomb

This vehicle makes wide right turns... into buildings

Keep honking, I'm rewiring

Visualize World Jihad

My other car is in the abdomens of 50 Israeli civilians!

I blew up 500 friendly Iraqis and all I got was this lousy bumper sticker.

0 to KABOOM in .2 seconds.

My 12-year-old can blow up your honor student

In case of Jihad this car will be exploded

What part of ULLULULULULULULU did you not understand?

Martyrs do it like it's their last time

Baby Terrorist On Board

If you can read this, there's a car bomb in the trunk.

Fatah you looking at?

Honk if you Beat your Wife

Driver carries only $20 worth of C4

Will Die for Virgins