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Darwins Joke said:

Paladin see name come here. Your name tell Paladin you are nigger mans. Paladin est right? All world know Darwins Joke refer to nigger mans too stupide survive by self so white man help. This against Law of Nature that why name is Darwins Joke. All world laugh at nigger mans say very stupide.
Paladin said:
Paladin see name come here. Your name tell Paladin you are nigger mans. Paladin est right? All world know Darwins Joke refer to nigger mans too stupide survive by self so white man help. This against Law of Nature that why name is Darwins Joke. All world laugh at nigger mans say very stupide.

You suck.
Conchaga said:

There is nigger mans! See flag jamaiqua? He Darwins Joke. Conchaga nigger guy need Paladin hold hand teach how to survive or Conchaga need to go street corner sell drug or rob convenience store?
Paladin said:
There is nigger mans! See flag jamaiqua? He Darwins Joke. Conchaga nigger guy need Paladin hold hand teach how to survive or Conchaga need to go street corner sell drug or rob convenience store?

Paladin need kill himself.
Sorry, but I have no choice quoting this one...

Since I can't reply where it has been posted, I'll reply there.

Paladin said:
How you know Paladin not Quebecois? Paladin show MangeMerde fake Zodiac still believe. Paladin know Zodiac est stupide. MangeMerde not Quebecois and not habitant en Montreal. He from Ontario. Paladin ask where in Montreal MangeMerde from he not answer. This because he never in Monteal whole life.

First of all, Paladin never asked Mangedlamarde where Montréal is. Second, I do live in Montréal, you not. Third, ''en Montréal'' isn't a french phrase you sucker.