For Halloween this Year


Forever Empress E
No - it isn't too early to make plans to decorate the house and party for Halloween.

Are you going to wear a costume or are you just going to stand on your front porch in your Freddy Krueger shirt and Jason mask with the lights off and scare the crap out of the little children when they come up on you unawares?


stealth ninja
btw I plan to trick or treat you, Eloisel

I hope you have lots of nice candy ready for me. Belgian chocolates will be adequate


Forever Empress E
The Belgian chocolates are for people I like. Not you.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
No - it isn't too early to make plans to decorate the house and party for Halloween.

Are you going to wear a costume or are you just going to stand on your front porch in your Freddy Krueger shirt and Jason mask with the lights off and scare the crap out of the little children when they come up on you unawares?

Since we moved no kids come out to our place so no. I get invited to Halloween parties though and love to go in costume. I still have my hollywood Frankenstein mask and hands and it's a little too big for my head so it wiggles when I shamble/walk that makes it sort of unnerving.

I used to love Halloween when my kids were littler, huge days for them.


Forever Empress E
My daughter used to really do up the place for Halloween. The kids for blocks around would come to look at all the stuff she had - cemeteries, ghosts that popped up out of the ground and fell down out of the trees, all kinds of animatronic stuff. Scared a lot of people off my old front porch. But, she hasn't done it the past couple of years because of health issues and then she took all her stuff with her when she remarried and moved away. I don't have the skills to do the stuff she did. Usually I go to an Egyptology Society Halloween Party where just about everyone comes in costume. Depending on how things work out this year, I may stay at home and try to decorate some. Maybe get some help in doing something fun in the back mini-forest and have a neighborhood invite.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You probably make a bitchin' Cleopatra.


I've got a bullet for you
No - it isn't too early to make plans to decorate the house and party for Halloween.

Are you going to wear a costume or are you just going to stand on your front porch in your Freddy Krueger shirt and Jason mask with the lights off and scare the crap out of the little children when they come up on you unawares?

Thought I'd blow up a picture of your face and wear it as a mask. The rest of the costume will be a large white trash bag. I'll be sure to smear it with shit to complete the effect.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
At least you'll do a good job with the makeup.