For those that live in the Good ol U.S..

Cranky Bastard

New Member
Montana? Cows? We grow a hell of a lot of wheat, actually.

Oh well, cows would be true, also.
In Gay land, which has several advantages.

The first nice thing is that there are LOTS of frustrated women who eventually realize that being a fag hag is a ticket to misery, so when they find a nice, hetero male, like yours truly, they end up on my doorstep with years of pent up frustration.

It's also a good place to find a bisexual wife to help you take advantage of the above-mentioned knocks at the door. :D

Finally, when you really need to remodel the inside of your house, help is no more than a shout out of your window of "I'm doing my bedroom in Moorish Harem...but I can't find any mosquito netting", and dozens of Fabulous people will come running to prevent the fashion crime from taking place (some will even have bolts of fabric with them for just such an emergency).

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
"Rattlesnakes and sand."

Think Mos Eisley and Tusken Raiders.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!


Touching the monolith
Staff member

The Question

The Land Of Burritos 'n' missing cats.