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Foreplay - a lost art?


along for the ride
I recently bumped into an acquaintance while browsing non-stick pans. After a little flirtation, we made a date to connect and there was some mention of foreplay. Sadly, it seems my acquaintance considers foreplay a useless time-wasting formality. To his credit, the man is honest. He has made it clear that I am but one of many playthings whose purpose is his pleasure. I like that part. But, even a wind-up doll deserves to be oiled up and wound, right?

Is it him or is it me? Has all of the raunchy internet porn available to men on demand killed the art of foreplay? Do any of you fine gentlemen still enjoy giving your woman a bath? Letting her curl up in your lap while you tell her all of the things you plan on doing to her? Administering a few painless spankings if she doesn’t respond as you expect? Getting her buzzed and watching her dance for you? Making her plead a little for what she really wants after denying her for as long as you can?

What does foreplay mean these days? Thank you, in advance, for any insight or advice you care to share to help a curious naive plaything establish realistic expectations.

Gear: don’t worry, the talking part isn’t hard; even you could pull it off. “Yes”, “please”, “thank you”, “more”, and an occasional “no” whispered or screamed with total sincerity can go a long way. Oh, and a man beating a woman’s knees with a bag of oranges prior to letting his friends take turns with her is not considered “foreplay” IRL. You’re welcome.
Sometimes, foreplay is a bottle of hard liquor.
Sometimes, foreplay is to set a date and let the anticipation build.
Sometimes, foreplay is the expression you see in a man's eyes.
Sometimes, foreplay is kisses, undressing, touches, whispers.
Sometimes, foreplay is being in a fight.
Sometimes, foreplay is a porn movie.
Sometimes, foreplay is the sexual tension that builds up in a room.
Sometimes, foreplay is a battle of words and wits.
Sometimes, foreplay is watching a man touch himself.
Sometimes, foreplay is the discharge of a .44.
Sometimes, foreplay is being in love.
Sometimes, foreplay is watching a movie starring Brad Pitt.
Sometimes, foreplay is riding a motorcycle.
Sometimes, foreplay is being seduced to have sex.
Sometimes, foreplay is going into a bar and have all the men appreciate your looks.
Sometimes, foreplay is laughing together over something.
Sometimes, foreplay is "Let's fuck".
Sometimes, foreplay is watching a man do hard labour.
Sometimes, foreplay is a well-done massage.
Sometimes, foreplay is taking care of a man's neck-condition.
Sometimes, foreplay is wearing no panties.
Sometimes, foreplay is listening to Slayer.
Sometimes, foreplay is seeing a naked, well-built chest.
Sometimes, foreplay is waking up together.
Sometimes, foreplay is unnecessary.

Not speaking for anyone else, of course.
:phpup: Ilyanna, I wish you were a man.

I slacked off all day yesterday and have to catch up, but I'm looking forward to reading what our male friends have to say on the subject later today. They'll probably just jack points from your post though. Slackers.
I've alway believed a woman has the right to full responsibility for her own orgasm.

I'm giving like that.
I don't think that foreplay is lost in a genuine romantic relationship at all. Properly done, even taking out the garbage can be "foreplay".

I try to save steps for my busy partner whenever I can. Every kindness I show to her adds to the intimacy when it's time to play.

I don't know about other guys, but I'm absolutely interested in participating in my partner's orgasm. It's the best part of sex to me. I don't know what responsibility has to do with it as a mechanism, because it's irrelevant in that regard, but I sure love being the cause.

Everything is foreplay to me with a woman.
Foreplay is for my special girls. But I don't go for clingy broads so quit begging

Well then, you better bring that toy chest down from the attic and dust some of the mold off those special old playthings. The newer fresher versions, even the dingy ones, like to have real fun, 21st century style. Talk to jack; sounds like he could give you some pointers on women in general.

Originally Posted by Donovan
You gotta stop using fancy words I don't know. This "foreplay" sounds tedious, like remembering what fork to eat my salad with. I think I shall skip it.

At least this thread has defined a foreign word and concept for you. You're welcome.

We still on for Tuesday? :phpsurprised:
We men like to pretend we don't know stuff so we don't have to listen to women nattering on about it. Except for the really clueless ones, it generally shuts them up.
We men like to pretend we don't know stuff so we don't have to listen to women nattering on about it. Except for the really clueless ones, it generally shuts them up.

Okay. I get it I think. I'm a little slow on the uptake, but make up for it in other ways.

Wish I could continue this foreplay, but gotta work so I can pay for our dinner. We are going out for salad right? Or, should we just stay in and I can make you a sandwich? Don't worry, I'll bring the groceries and let you keep playing hard to get. :phpbiggrin:

See you next Tuesday.
Smelly foreplay bait is just that.

Which means your experienced inexperience is showing. For christ sake cover yourself. It's disgusting.
Smelly foreplay bait is just that.

Which means your experienced inexperience is showing. For christ sake cover yourself. It's disgusting.


Loosen up Gear. Maybe you'll learn to have some fun. I'm well covered, but your ass is showing (again).