Former Soviet Dissident Accuses NATO of Trying to Deprive Russia of Sovereignty

U.S. vice president asks Kazakhstan for oil

He said Washington is working with others to try to find a "diplomatic solution to avoid a confrontation over this issue."
What a fucking idiot.

Cheney said he hadn't yet had the chance to "study the reaction out of Moscow" from Thursday's speech.
In which he needlessly antagonized Russia. Russian Diplomats couldn't wrap their heads around why exactly he would do such a thing.

Looks like the US is trying to split the world into two parts: Do-gooders, pro-democracy (Israel, USA, Europe, and the 'reformed rag-heads.'), and the profiteering evil-doers like Iran, China, and Russia.

Except that overtly naming China in this axis would be detrimental to the US, seeing as how China has the USA by the short and curlies, economically.