Fox News: ‘Al Gore’s Global Warming Movie: Could It Destroy Our Economy?’


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"After all, that's OUR job!" -- Official White Horse Souse
I cannot believe the immense stupidity of this Fox News graphic.

Wasn't it Fox Entertainment that made $150 million dollars worldwide on The Day After Tomorrow? Maybe they should ask if their own movie destroyed our economy.

Personally, I think our economy's response to Gore's movie will be to find a way to weld TWO SUVs together, and thereby drop the gas economy in half for such vehicles. The amazing thing is, Democrat Soccer Moms would still buy them.

That was funny! At the Dining Facility at my base in Arizona, all the televisions were set to FoxNews. And at the Mini-PX, at the food court, the TVs were set to FoxNews. For four solid months, I watched no other channel. Three meals a day.

Not a lot of science news on that channel. Make that none. If it didn't concern politics or a flash flood somewhere, FoxNews didn't run it.

I am so happy the local PBS station runs the BBC world news every night. If I want to see what's happening in East Timor or Chad, I wouldn't see it from American info-tainment news channels.

What about independant (I'd be libertarian, but that's not an option here for some damned reason) pickup trucks? And do not ever forget, my (and my family's) red necks keep you in food. That's where the term came from after all, farmers and ranchers out in the sun with sunburned necks.
The edit policy sucks. It takes me longer than five minutes to revise and extend.......

I WAS SAYING, before the damn thing made me lose all that effort, that Fox News since 9/11 has turned into more and more propaganda, and less news as time has gone on. And it bugs the shit out of me. I'm too lazy to write the extended version AGAIN. Make the time limit better.
SSgt_Sniper said:
And do not ever forget, my (and my family's) red necks keep you in food.
Bah, you keep us in debt with farm-aid. My food comes from giant coporate farms.
Actually, we aren't subsidised. The truth is the giant farms are the ones that get all the federal money. Surprised? I was. Now don't get me wrong, there are programs that help some small farms with things like reclaiming land that's currently not usable, and some help with setting up irrigation for smaller farms and ranches. But the great myth is the small farms are floated by the Federal dollar. My in-laws haven't gotten any money from the government in years. They got one grant five years ago to clear some pasture that cedars had overrun and that's it. The government actually pays the big joints to not produce beyond a certain amount in order to prevent market flooding. And they damn near pay all the setup costs of pig farms and chicken farms. And disposal. And... need I go on? We do it on our own thanks.
I believe the big farms are paid not to produce so enough market still remains for the small farms, so you don't starve and can sell your wares.
They wouldn't have to do so if the big farms would get it through their skull that if they flood the market they'll go bankrupt too. But at this point they'll do it just to spite the government if their was a reduction in spending on them, forcing the government to come save the day before everyone goes under, big and small, blah blah blah. It's corporate welfare on a ranch and it makes me sick.