Frazetta: family heist

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach,0,7147294.story

A family feud in Marshalls Creek ended Wednesday with an art heist and a son behind bars.

In the middle of it all were 90 paintings reportedly worth nearly $20 million.

Bill Frazetta said he got the call sometime in the afternoon. "We had the museum alarm and got a call it was being burglarized and I basically did my job to respond while the state troopers were also responding," said Bill Frazetta.

However when he arrived at the Frazetta Art Museum on Route 209, a museum owned by his father, fantasy artist Frank Frazetta Senior, Bill was in for a shock.

Is was his brother, Alfonzo Frazetta who was the alleged burglar.

Police said Alfonzo Frazetta Junior brought some heavy machinery to the museum property, proceeded to rip off the front door with a backhoe and take out around 90 pieces of his father's artwork and then put it in a trailer.

Alfonso Frazetta's wife, Lori, said it's all a big misunderstanding. She said Frazetta's father told him to remove the paintings.

"We were instructed to secure the paintings before we left and make sure that they would be put in a place that would be safe," Lori Frazetta explained.

According to Frazetta the safe place was a nearby storage unit.

However police said Frank Frazetta Senior, who is currently in Florida, told them his son did not have permission to be in the museum and did not have permission to remove any paintings.

The Frazetta family said the paintings are now back at the museum.

Alfonzo Frazetta is now charged with burglary, criminal trespass and theft.

He's being held in the Monroe County jail on $500,000 bail.

Charges are pending against a second person who police said helped with the crime.

From what I've gathered, it looks like members of the extended family were taking advantage of Frazetta Sr. and making off with various pieces. He apparently suffers from dementia (he's in his early 80's & his wife passed last year) and Junior took it upon himself to "secure" the works --by claiming his dad gave him permission to rip off the front door to the museum with a fucking backhoe?! Oh, surely the neighbors and police won't find this a bit suspicious! Looky here...Pop gave me a permission slip!

This will not end well.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
Watched this on cable a year or two ago. Not a bad overview.


Video can't do justice to his style, though...I'll post some pics later, unless someone else wants to dive in.


beer, I want beer
Conan is totally gonna fuck that kid up...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What a story. Damn, he was one of the greats. I still have some of his 40's comics, "White Indian" and shit liek that.

Sucks to get old. I'm going to kill myself first.