Fred the Shred


Can I have Ops?
So, “fred the shred” (Sir Fred Gibson) can surely be blamed for things other than the Royal Bank of Scotland fuck up.

I maintain he is guilty of:

Hiding Saddams WMD’s – he tried to hide them in his pension scheme – lets go to war with the bastard!

I am welcome to other suggestions


Is this real life?
He's guilty of being a huge smokescreen for the government. Did you know they released official figures yesterday showing Gordon Brown wanked in Tony Blair's coffee nearly every morning for 10 years? Nobody does!


Staff member
We shouldn't expect anything less than media wide crucifixion of him and he's neatly landed himself as a poster boy of the obscene CEO payouts for complete and utter failure.

Tough titties I say.


Is this real life?
I'm actually kind of on his side. It's an obscene amount of money he shouldn't have been allowed to keep, but the government agreed to it, so he shouldn't have to give it back. They can't change their mind after signing it off. It's their fuck up.


Staff member
I'm not on his side. It's a pathetic gesture to someone who crashed and burned. Being handed this kind of money for complete and utter abject failure is beyond the pail. My sympathies (the few of them that there are) are better used elsewhere.

I'm not on the governments side either though. They're a bunch of fucksticks as well.

The basic fact remains that he screwed up big time, cut jobs left right and center due to his shitty management and the taxpayer has to bailout the RBS and he walks away with 25mil?

No fucking way. The Lord who is responsible for signing off on this needs to be fired as well. It's another in a long line of failures by the government but that doesn't mean that because they fucked up he should keep that 25 million of what is ultimately taxpayers money.

It's insane.


I want to smell dark matter
I heard he had the life of Jade Goody insured for a suspiciously high amount only days before she got cancer...


I want to smell dark matter
He cancelled british wrestling from ITV in the eighties.


I want to smell dark matter
He paid for Jade Goody's wedding photos then ripped them up before the press could see.