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Freestyle Flashforward Thread


I want to smell dark matter
(Janis (the lesbian FBI agent) wakes up in hospital. Olivia (Penny from Lost) and Bearded Doctor are standing over the bed.)

Olivia: Hey, how are you doing?

Janis: I feel sore.

Olivia: Well that's not surprising, considering you just got shot through the ovary by a Chinese man.

Janis: WHAT!?

Olivia: Yep, chinese!

Janis: No, I was shot through the ovary?

Olivia: Yuh huh! Right through the ovary!

Janis: That's great! I had a flashforward where I was pregnant, but now I can't get pregnant!

Olivia: Ah, so that PROVES that flashforwards don't always come true!

(Olivia high fives Janis.)

Bearded Doctor: Hang on, that doesn't prove anything! The flashforward's MUST come true! It's destiny!

(Olivia looks up slightly for a second and we see her flashforward to being in bed with Jack Davenport for the 82nd time.)

Olivia: NO IT ISN'T.

Bearded Doctor: It must be! FATE gave us these flashforwards to improve our lives!

Janis: What about the millions of people who died when all those building caught on fire somehow during the blackout?

Bearded Doctor: Umm...they're not as important as me. AND MY FLASHFORWARD.

Olivia: What did you see anyway?

(We briefly see Bearded Doctor's flashforward where he's being tickled by a giant feather.)

Bearded Doctor: OH, NOTHING...

Janis: I'm just glad this NIGHTMARE is over and I'll never get pregnant now.

Bearded Doctor: Oh, didn't I mention? You have TWO ovaries. The other one is FINE.

Janis: SHIT.


(Bearded Doctor walks out laughing.)

Olivia: Sorry about him, I'll try to get him fired.

(Olivia leaves. A MYSTERIOUS UNSHAVEN MAN WEARING A SOCK OVER HIS HEAD who might have been seen before but I can't remember to be honest walks in.)

Janis: Hi. What do you want?

Man: Oh, that's simple, I'm here TO RAPE YOU.

Janis: What!?

Man: I'm going to impregnate you, bitch! HAHAHA!

Janis: WHY?

Man: Because in MY flashforward, I was standing TRIAL in COURT for raping a lesbian FBI agent when she was in hospital five months previously! SO I HAVE NO CHOICE, RAPE TIME.

Janis: Wait a minute, YOU MALE BASTARD, in my flashforward, I was getting a pre-natal scan...I WASN'T in court testifying about you raping me!


Janis: Or maybe YOU didn't have a flashforward about raping me, you just had a DREAM where you RAPED ME because you're a SICK PERVERT like all MEN and you used that to justify in your mind raping me right now!

Man: Umm...maybe?

(Lesbian Chef sneaks in and HITS the man with a ROLLING PIN.)

Lesbian Chef: Here's what I think of you raping my girlfriend!

Janis: You saved me!

Lesbian Chef: And I changed the future too! In MY flashforward I was telling someone that I have NEVER hit anyone with a rolling pin!

Janis: Then the future can be changed and I won't get pregnant!

Lesbian: Yeah!

Janis: I don't intend on sleeping with anyone but you, and you certainly can't get me pregnant, haha!

Lesbian: Actually...there's something I need to tell you.

(She drops her pants exposing A MALE PENIS.)


(Charlie is watching through the window.)

Charlie: Everything's going according to plan, my master.

(MISTER EKO steps out of the shadows.)

Eko: Good. Gooood.

(Cute Japanese Girl Who Can't Speak English walks into the FBI HEADQUARTERS where MARK and SULU or having an argument.)

Mark: I keep telling you, we're going to Hong Kong and we're going to ask random women if they were the one who made that phonecall!

Sulu: That won't work!


Sulu: But who's going to fly the plane?

(The hot nurse/babysitter/murder victim walks in.)

Nicole: It just so happens I have a pilot's license!

Japanese Girl: <something in Japanese but the subtitles are white and so is the background so you can't read them>

Mark: WHAT?

Nicole: Translate, Sulu, translate!

Sulu: She's from Japan. I'm from LA.

Japanese Girl: <I'm pretty sure that line was stolen from Lost. How's the kangaroo, by the way?>

Sulu: Can you really fly us all the way to Hong Kong?

Nicole: Sure. In my flashforward, I was talking about how I once flew all the way to Hong Kong!

Mark: I thought you were being drowned by a character whose identity the writers haven't decided yet?

Nicole: Oh, this was before I was being drowned...did I not mention it before?

Mark: NO, BITCH.

Japanese Girl: <why does he keep making really weird facial expression and shouting?>

Sulu: He's trying to act.

Japanese Girl: Oh, you DO understand me.

Sulu: And you're speaking ENglish now!

Japanese Girl: YEs.

Sulu: GOOD.
