Fuck the iPad


Staff member
I want THIS.


I am looking at my iPhone 3G and I feel a sense of disappointment all of a sudden.



The new iPhone hardware is pretty sweet. 960x640 is a crazy resolution for a 3.5" screen. All the sudden the 800x480 screen on my Touch Pro 2 feels low res.

If only Steve Job's would get off his high horse and provide an iPhone with a hardware keyboard for those of us who want it I would happily get the new iPhone (and Jailbreak it).


I spent 20 minutes playing with an iPad in the Apple store in Brighton today. I was not impressed. I'd rather have the new iPhone, or an iPod Touch.

The back of the iPad is not flat, so the shop models that had been left off the Perspex stands were just wobbling on the surface. It's obscenely expensive, and you just know that within a year Generation 2 will be out.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
You don't want the new iPhone. The data plan is no longer unlimited (at least in the US). You're limited to 2GB of data per month. Anything more than that results in HEFTY overage fees. Meh. I'll stick with my 1st Gen iPhone (I don't even have the 3G s)


Staff member
The iphone is not locked in Europe so I'm ready to go and can pick one up on any plan I want. I use my 3G on a pay as you go card with a special deal that lets me spend 5 euro on a card and speak for 600 minutes to any other mobile that is on the same plan.

Shit is pimp daddy.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Mentalist, you scurvy twat! Why the fuck did you have to post this??? The fucking Face Time feature has me sold. FUCK YOU, ARSEHOLE!!! ;)


Let's fuck some shit up
I spent 20 minutes playing with an iPad in the Apple store in Brighton today. I was not impressed. I'd rather have the new iPhone, or an iPod Touch.

The back of the iPad is not flat, so the shop models that had been left off the Perspex stands were just wobbling on the surface. It's obscenely expensive, and you just know that within a year Generation 2 will be out.

I find that rule 1 of dealing with Apple products is to NEVER buy the 1st gen of ANYTHING they make. They're loaded with glitches, user-interface gaps, and the aesthetics are never that great.

Anyone remember this dinosaur?


AND THAT WAS ONLY THE 5gig version!

I have a 32gig thumb drive smaller than the viewscreen on that thing.


Well hard disks were not quite as compact then as they are today, and 5 gigs of flash memory was probably ridiculously expensive. At least the thing had a real wheel and it looked a hell of a lot better than the first gen iMacs.


Registered User
You don't want the new iPhone. The data plan is no longer unlimited (at least in the US). You're limited to 2GB of data per month. Anything more than that results in HEFTY overage fees. Meh. I'll stick with my 1st Gen iPhone (I don't even have the 3G s)

How much data did you use last month? I used to subscribe to an unlimited data plan here in Canada until I realised I only used hundreds of MB a month, so I downgraded to the 10$ cheaper 2gb plan.


Can I have Ops?
There are two iPads in our office bought at 8am on day 1. I work in the creative industry so we have a lot of apple heads here.

So far, I have seen three uses:

1. LOOK, LOOK! I can use the internet on it right next door to my other PC which has a faster connection and a bigger screen!
2. I look good in meetings whilst not paying attention to anyone at all. It looks like I am searching for important business stuff, while in fact I am on level 13 of angry birds.
3. I can write notes on it to remind me of stuff, like "charge up my iPad" and "order more paper notepads"