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Fuck This Place!


I love you
In the ear!
In the rear!
In the neck!
In the ass!
In your pussy!
In your mouth!
In the fucking kitchen or bedroom outside inside all over everywhere!
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! gOD fUCKing dAMIt! Mother fucker!
I sooooo want to fucking break something right now. fuck!
Fucking relationships are fuckign stupid you mother fuckers!
Fuck you!
Don't go get someone fucking pregnant-you dumbass! Who the hell wants to start a family? Fuckers!
Why am I sooo mad?! OMG-wtf?! God dammit! mother fucker!
I am sooo fucking pissed right now!
That really sucks given the recent other suckage. If sucking had occurred in the first place this wouldn't have happened.
That said/written/typed; is there a fundamental disagreement on this issue?
If there is I'd say keep it to yourself, like so much else. What's one more burden on your cross?
I was just chatting w/ a friend of mine-
God, it pisses me off!
To quote "And we didn't use a condom" "I hope we have a baby"
Fine-good for them-
but wtf?! Don't we have enough bastard children running around anyway?
I hate fucking carelessness!
I'm guessing at what *you're* talking about. Maybe "taking a stab" would be the more appropriate terminology, what with the double/triple meaning given the subject matter.
I was just chatting w/ a friend of mine-
God, it pisses me off!
To quote "And we didn't use a condom" "I hope we have a baby"
Fine-good for them-
but wtf?! Don't we have enough bastard children running around anyway?
I hate fucking carelessness!

Oh. I thought--well, you can guess what I thought.
*I* hope? Not *we* hope? That poor, poor guy. *Gonad* hopes he knows the girl is thinking this.
I went on a walk today too-5 1/2 mile-yes I am copying you-
Do you know where the nisqually wildlife refuge is? Its a nice walk-
but I really should have used sun screen-dammit
Gonad said:
*I* hope? Not *we* hope? That poor, poor guy. *Gonad* hopes he knows the girl is thinking this.

God, guys are so stupid! I mean to not use protection-to let the girl talk him into it-and think its a good thing-
I mean -I hope it does work out-thats great-w/e he is going into the military-thats great-fucking great-have a kid and leave-you fucking moron!
have a kid so you can get married-
Not like I am queen purity or anything-but at least be fucking smart-for christ sake!
Don't bring children into the world in these circumstances!
Good thing I'm not in control.
Love Child said:
I went on a walk today too-5 1/2 mile-yes I am copying you-
Do you know where the nisqually wildlife refuge is? Its a nice walk-
but I really should have used sun screen-dammit

That's so cool. I slept on and off all day. Should have gone on a walk, but I'm planning on walking home tomorrow again. And I wanted to rest up because my crotch is all sore from fucking last night/this morning, and I don't want any problems recurring.
You are a good sport Gonad, and by that I mean-I don't know what I mean-I just mean-omg-I want to tell everyone to fuck off right now-what the hell is my problem????