I Love Cunt
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Jesus Mother Fucking Christ on a BBQ Stick of wood and pine and cork screws
Im so fucking hungry
what do I eat?
Mother of God!
How do I have midnight snacks now?
No ice cream
no dairy
no cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, no bagels, no english muffins no fucking bread no rice nothing
I can have fish
mmm yum
I'll have fish late at night yummy
tea but with no caffiene in it
I can have some fruit but watch the sugar
fuck you!
fuck you food!
Im so fucking hungry
what do I eat?
Mother of God!
How do I have midnight snacks now?
No ice cream
no dairy
no cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, no bagels, no english muffins no fucking bread no rice nothing
I can have fish
mmm yum
I'll have fish late at night yummy
tea but with no caffiene in it
I can have some fruit but watch the sugar
fuck you!
fuck you food!