Fucking off win 7


Anyone got info's on gtting rid of this piece of shit OS? Apparently removing it can screw with stuffs, mates HP is broken from taking off this shitty OS.




Retired Account
STFU kermit


it is....the problem isnt wiping the os in to oblivion, as the ignoramus, illiterate gypsie kermit fucknut suggested, any monkey can do that; the issue is win7 and touch screen pc's having major problems after removing MS7OS.

But since theres no tech heads here who managed to discern the fucking difference, ill get my tips elsewhere.


Wats wrong with overkill archie?
U dont think uninstalling win7 simply because it annoys me, isnt overkill? kek

Overkill is my fucking talent, leave no survivors = problem solved.


I'll take being whatever it is you called me over being an idiot who doesn't know how to wipe out an OS and install another, or know the difference between hardware and software.

I COULD TAKE A SHIT ON YOUR FACE while wiping out your Windows and your computer would still work. I could install Linux on it and you'd be able to download just as much gay porn as you used to. The only thing that would not work easily is the faggot touch screen features that likely require proprietary drivers from HP. It does not mean your computer's hardware is broken.


If you knew half as much about computers are you pretend to, you would have just installed a second OS along side Windows and configured a boot loader to switch between them. This is called Dual Booting, it is kind of like the computer version of what your mom was doing when you were conceived.


blahblah liek any info u provided addresses anything when it comes to glitchy bs touch and win 7....snore ur such a bore cock sucker

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
If you knew half as much about computers are you pretend to, you would have just installed a second OS along side Windows and configured a boot loader to switch between them. This is called Dual Booting.
Basically a second OS is a good idea but dual booting still won't solve the problems with the first OS. They will still be there, just not being executed while you use OS #2.

(Sorry Sun, can't help you there as up to now my acquaintance with Win7 is of a rather limited nature. I hear that linux offers a nice alternative. My dad is a big fan of it. Could you perhaps contact Santaman and his brother Spaceball over at Terran? Both are computer specialists by profession and may be able to help)


SuN never claimed any problems with Win7, only supposed potential problems if it is removed. Since he does not want to run Win7 anyways, and is paranoid that deleting it could cause some sort of issue (which it would not), the best solution is to install a second OS, shrink Win7's partition to as small a size as possible, then simply let it sit until he grows the balls to actually delete it.

But you should really try some alternative OS's before ragging on Windows. Start with Ubuntu and see how long you can stand it. It sucks at least as much and often more than Win7. Linux, IMO, still just does not cut it as a desktop OS.

Perhaps you would like OSX more, but unless your computer is just right you will very likely have to jump through some incredible hoops to get it to install and run reasonably on an arbitrary x86 computer.

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
yep. That's why I recommended Santy and Space Ball. They know all the tricks, with Santy being a hardware specialist and Space Ball being a software guy.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
SuN never claimed any problems with Win7, only supposed potential problems if it is removed. Since he does not want to run Win7 anyways, and is paranoid that deleting it could cause some sort of issue (which it would not), the best solution is to install a second OS, shrink Win7's partition to as small a size as possible, then simply let it sit until he grows the balls to actually delete it.

SuN is a woman.