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Fucking Spam

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands

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Remove you e-mail

Fucking Oprah.
Our weekly gift to you!
Big Press Release just out.

Inf inex Vent ures Inc. (INFX)
Price: 0.88
5 day expected price 1.90
This one will run for sure

Starting a new Marketing Campaign that will run all weekend.
This will run thru Sunday. The World will know about this company
Monday morning. Should you wait until to late?

This one did very well during last marketing campaign. Very Well!

With this News we expect prices to exceed our projected price of 1.90

In finex Ventures Inc. - Update On Agreement With Property In Chile
Wednesday June 14, 11:19 am ET

LAS VEGAS, NV, June 14 /FirstCall/ - In finex Ventures Inc.
is pleased to announce that on January 30, 2006, we entered into
an agreement ("Agreement"), with Rodolfo Francisco Villar ("Vendor") to
purchase a 50% interest in the mining and exploration of the following Claims,
the ("Claims"):


139 TESORO 1 1 - 30 03304-0532-5
140 TESORO 2 1 - 12 03304-0532-3
141 TESORO 3 1 - 30 03304-0534-1
142 TESORO 4 1 - 30 03304-0535-K
143 TESORO 5 1 - 25 03304-0536-8
144 TESORO 6 1 - 20 03304-0537-6
145 TESORO 7 1 - 25 03304-0538-4
146 TESORO 8 1 - 12 03304-0539-2
147 TESORO 9 1 - 12 03304-0540-6
148 TESORO 10 1 - 20 03304-0541-4
149 TESORO 11 1 - 20 03304-0542-2
150 TESORO 12 1 - 5 03304-0543-0

These Claims are more particularly located at the northern end of the El Indio Belt in Chile Region III which is approximately 150 kms. East of the City of Vallenar, Chile.

1. Under the terms of the Agreement, the Vendor will grant to the
Company the sole and exclusive irrevocable right and title to the
Claims, subject to:

(i) the completion by the Company of confirmation of legal title
and due diligence on the Properties as to ownership by the
Vendor and results therefrom being satisfactory to the Company,
acting reasonably, within a period of 90 days;

(ii) the right to extend a further 90 days by mutual consent. (the
right to extend a further 90 days has been granted to the
Company, in an effort to complete its due diligence);

(iii) The Vendor and the Company shall put forth, all their
reasonable best efforts to obtain a satisfactory title opinion
or Court Order, or such that the Company will acquire the
property free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, with a
view to further develop the property into an operating mine.

2. Upon satisfactory completion of the due diligence and clear title
being established, the Company will then:

(a) issue to the Vendor Twenty Million (20,000,000) Common Shares,
upon the execution by the parties of this Agreement and subject
to the subject conditions as set out above; and

(b) that all original documents or notarized copies of official
translations are therefore required to complete the
transactions contemplated in the Agreement. The issuance of the
20 Million (20,000,000) Common Shares shall be issued in the
Vendors designated name to the benefit of Vendor, upon the
removal of the subject conditions as set out above.

3. Further, satisfactory completion of the due diligence and clear title
being established the Purchaser with the assistance of the Vendor,
(if necessary), will apply for permits to the appropriate authorities
to place the property into production. Upon the appropriate permits
being approved, the Purchaser will have the option to acquire an
additional 25% interest in the property (bringing the Purchaser
interest to 75%) in exchange for a further issuance of Ten Million
(10,000,000) Common shares of the Company's stock.

We are presently pursuing further due diligence on these Claims.


R r ef z inanc v e $ 200 , 000 for $ 825 / m i onth

These R a at h es Won't Last Forever ,
Re t fin c an p ce T k od d ay and S y av p e!


against the opening behind. Luckily the whole head and jaws could not
squeeze in, but the nostrils sent forth fire and vapour to pursue him,
and he was nearly overcome, and stumbled blindly on in great pain and
fear. He had been feeling rather pleased with the cleverness of his

Ok... the last paragraph is something new and unexpected.
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-Don't lose your chance and but know wihtout d'oubts, you will be i'mpressed with results!

Clisk here:

Paladin spam?

Oh... and if any of your guys click these links - YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID.
Hi Kerb Crawler,

The Classmates Research team invites you to complete a 10-minute online survey about some features that we're thinking of adding to our website.

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Fuck Classmates!
(H-Y-W-I.PK)- H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e, Inc.
We Strongly believe in this companies Performance, with its 5th stright day of climb
This one did very well during last mar keting campa ign. Very Well!

See Hot NEWS Just released

we told you so

S Y M B O L : H-Y-W-I.PK
Current Price: $ 0.90
This is a real company with real potential

Before we start with the profile of H_Y_W_I.PK we would like to mention something very important: There is a Big PR Campaign starting on Monday . And it will go all week so it would be best to get in NOW.

About the company:

H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e provides a proprietary technology of Digital Intermediate services to feature filmmakers for post-production for film mastering and restoration. This technology gives the filmmakers total creative control over the look of their productions. Whether shooting on film or acquiring in HD or SD video, H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e puts a powerful cluster of digital tools at the director's disposal to achieve stunning results on the big screen. Matchframe Digital Intermediate, a division of H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e, Inc., packages a full array of post-production services with negative handling expertise and cost-effective 2K digital intermediate and 35mm film out systems. The Digital Intermediate process eliminates current post-production redundancies by creating a single high-resolution master file from which all versions can be made, including all theatrical and High Definition formats. By creating a single master file with resolution higher than the current High Definition broadcast standards, the DI master file enables cinema and television distributors to extract and archive all current and future cinema and television formats including Digital Cinema, Television and High Definition.

Red H0t News:

H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e a provider of digital intermediate film mastering services, announced today that that its Matchframe Digital Intermediate (MDI) division is completing a digital intermediate for Chad Lowe's directorial debut, "Beautiful Ohio," starring William Hurt and Rita Wilson. READ MORE THIS IS HUGE

H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e Expands the Creative Palette for Independent Filmmakers GLENDALE, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 31, 2006 -- H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e, Inc. A provider of digital intermediate film mastering services, announced today that its Matchframe Digital Intermediate division is currently providing full digital intermediate services for Super 16MM productions.

H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e, Inc. (H_Y_W_I.PK - News), a provider of digital intermediate film mastering services, announced that High Definition preview masters as part of its normal digital intermediate service offerings and workflow.

"Typically, in current post-production workflow, HD dailies masters are edited into high quality preview masters including color timing, dirt removal, opticals and visual effects," said David Waters, H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e president. "Unfortunately, none of these processes translate to the theatrical release of the film as they must all be duplicated or repeated in either a higher resolution digital format, or photo chemical process."

H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e gives Motion Picture producers the ability to scan their selected original camera negative at 2k or 4k film resolution, conform a high resolution digital master for theatrical and broadcast release including dirt removal, opticals and visual effects, and output a High Definition preview master to be used for preview screenings and focus groups that can be deployed in any worldwide theater location.

"The challenge for completing the final editorial decisions on a motion picture are balanced between the ability to display the highest resolution picture for a test audience, and the costs and time in having to re-master your film based on a test audience response," said Jim Delany, H o l l y w o o d I n t e r m e d i a t e COO.

If you want to play the marrket get in on H_Y_W_I

Seed money. What on earth? You say potayto, I say potahto. Shit happens. A place in the sun. Shake like a leaf. Scraping the bottom of the barrel. Where man is not nature is barren. She's a nut. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Sweating blood. Tossed around like a hot potato. Water doesn't run uphill. Timber! When pigs fly. Spaceship earth.

To gild refined gold, to paint the lily. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Stop, look and listen. Read the tea leaves. Throw pearls before swine. The sharper is the berry, the sweeter is the wine. Run to seed. Slow as a snail. Your all washed up. Useless as tits on bull. Timing is everything. Walking on cloud nine. She has a green thumb. Watered down. A snail's pace. Tall as a tree. A weed is no more than a flower in disguise. Still waters run deep. To gild refined gold, to paint the lily. That's water under the bridge. Useless as tits on bull. A tree does not move unless there is wind. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Stone cold sober.

Too long, didn't read.
Most quality products for anyone who wants to become a champion in bed Don’t hesitate and you will love the lowest possible pricing and the fastest possible shipment World’s greatest brands produce these goods in top class labs with latest technologies.

Blood is thicker than water Every picture tells a story Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird. Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people

The rotten apple injures its neighbours Yesterday is ashes; tomorrow wood Only today does the fire burn brightly Yuh tel tara and tara tell tara.
Better late than.. pregnant.

You get out of life what you put into it Football is a game of two halves There are two sides to every question as dry as chapped lips Success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan
Let sleeping dogs lie.

Experience is the best teacher Fruit out of season, sorrow out of reason The more you get, the more you want One years seeding means seven years weeding Abundance, like want, ruins many. Nah every big head get sense. Beer before wine is fine Wine before beer makes you feel queer! He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day Knowing is not enough; We must Apply Willing is not enough; We must Do

Hm.... yes... I WOULD like to become a champion in bed!