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beer, I want beer
Gee, what a surprise! Terrorists in Canada? Noooooooo! You don't say? Now this is why we need to reintroduce the fucking death penalty:

Declaring that Canada "is not immune to the threat of terrorism," the RCMP announced on Saturday the arrests of 17 people accused of planning a series of attacks against targets in southern Ontario.
An officer is seen outside the police station in Pickering, Ont., on Friday night

"This group holds a real and serious intent," RCMP Assistant Commissioner Mike McDonell told reporters.

"Our investigation prevented the assembly of any bombs and attacks from being carried out."

He declined to answer questions about the intended targets but he said Toronto's public transit system was not one of them.

Bill Blair, the city's police chief, told CBC News that officials had gathered information about dates chosen for the attacks, but he refused to provide details.

Ammonium nitrate seized

Police also said they seized about three tonnes of the commonly used fertilizer ammonium nitrate. Just one-third of that material was used in the bombing of a U.S. federal building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people in 1995.

Officers fanned out across the Toronto area on Friday to make the arrests. They later delivered the suspects to the Durham Regional Police Station in Pickering, east of Toronto.

The 12 adult suspects, who face terrorism-related charges, were to appear west of the city in a Brampton courtroom later on Saturday.

All of the suspects are residents of Canada and most are Canadian citizens of various backgrounds, officials said.

Where are the fucking liberal Canadians now?? I hope they have finally decided to shut their fucking pieholes! Bitches! Were I running this country under my fascist rule, every one of the 'suspects' would suddenly 'disappear', never to be seen again. What would really happen is that they would be spirited away to a remote region of Canada, placed against a fucking cliff wall and plugged full of so much lead you would scarcely be able to identify them. Then I would deny my government knew anything about them. I would then begin rounding up their cohorts. I learned these terrorist from Pickering had connections with terrorists in Alabama. I would send some of our CSIS agents into the U.S.A. to track the fuckers down and kill them quietly. Right there on American territory. What are you fucking bitch Americans going to do about it? Suck our collective cocks?

If this incident does not rally the fucking Canadian people against the fucking Muzzie scum, then we are sheep to the socialist do-gooders. Bahhhhhhhhh. Bahhhhhhhhh. Fucking liberals should be taken away and shot too. It is THEIR fault this has happened. Fucking Canadian immigration laws are a fucking joke!

Have you people seen this?

Motherfucker thinks it is funny about the terrorists having been discovered here in Canada. Do you have any idea how close I am to Pickering. Also, do you have any idea what type of building we have in Pickering? Do you understand what it is I am attempting to tell you fuckers??? Destroying your WTC is mere child's play compared to what they could have done here you fucking asshole motherfucking morons! Let me put it to you dumb fucks in a way you may understand. If the target was in fact the building we are all beginning to think it was, then you had better get used to higher cancer rates down there you dumb bitches./FONT]
Unfuckingbelievable!! The KNOWITALLS on this board have not a fucking clue what the fucking target was that the terrorists had in mind. The town in which they were caught is a fucking clue you dumb fucking pieces of fucking shit.