Troll Kingdom

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What does it mean? What is the purpose of this? Will we ever know? Can anyone really have any answers? Is Gagh just a figment of my imagination? Is Dr. Dave? Are they really real? Can I really know for sure? Will I ever know? Will anyone ever really know? Will there ever be a time when stupid questions like this are not asked in stupid shows on television? Will I ever know? Will anyone ever really know? WHAT THE FUCK. Is that a statement or a question? Does it look better like this: WHAT THE FUCK? Or like this: WHAT THE FUCK?! Or how about like this: WHAT THE FUCK. But then I need to put a question mark over there blah blah blah etc etc do you know what I mean, does it really matter? Are you really reading this, sometimes I just like to hear the sound of myself type and stuff like tathhhat. Will we ever really really blah glaj;blkja blah ablhalkjj fa I ckkepppp on making errors and stufff.