Future Appointment


I love you
Isn't that a redundant statement? Does not the word "appointment" suggest future?

I went to this place that said, "To schedule a future appointment...."

Also it used to be on Application and Resume' key phrases for skills.


A little. "Future" could be used to specify scheduling another appointment at a later date before the first one had elapsed.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
They could have left out "a future" BUT maybe there were people trying to make appointments for last week!


Let's fuck some shit up
It falls into the same category as giving someone Advanced Warning. If you're giving someone a warning, isn't it already in advance of what you're warning them about.

Forewarn is also stupid and redundant. WHY DOES MY SPELL CHECK NOT HIGHLIGHT THAT!? IT'S NOT A FUCKING WORD! adfjlasdjf




I love you
Yesterday I made one of these Future Appointments. I asked them if they knew what te past was like could they also show me the future etc etc, but they didn't get it. I can't wait to see my future!


Forever Empress E
An appointment can be future or past - it is a fixed date.
I had an appointment for a consultation with one of my doctors two weeks ago.
However, he had to postpone that appointment to a later date. After the consultation, I made a future appointment for a follow up visit.

So far as an advanced warning, I will tell you now that one thing that gets me riled up is peoople refusing to give way to persons to the right of them. If you block me in the hallway, I will only warn you three times to yield the right of way before I move you permanently out of my way.

In other words, forewarn or advanced warning is absent the action that would get the warning.


Let's fuck some shit up
You can just use the past and present versions of have.

I had an appointment.
I have an appointment.

Stating whether it is past or future is irrelevant and understood already.


I love you
Perhaps they really want to emphasize that the appointment is not that day. Either way an appointment an hour away is still in the future.

But say I went to get my hair cut and they did not have any available slots. The conversation could go like this:
Me: Hi do you have any appointments available today? (In most instances I would not even say or have to say today)
Them: Oh I'm so sorry we do not. But you can schedule a future appointment.

Even better would be: But you can schedule an appointment for another day.

Whatever. LOL.


Let's be making sexy business
I used to work for the Department of Redundancy Department. They made lots of future appointments to give advanced warnings out.

In my current business, we say VIN number all the time. VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number.....Number. yeah. people are dumb


Forever Empress E
I know - I rarely feel the need to embarass people by pointing out their less than perfect use of the language though.

Except for when they use retarded phrases like "what caught my particular eye." Then, I have to ask them to clarify which eye in particular that was.


Let's be making sexy business
I work with a guy who is a nonstop mixed metaphor.

...He 'told that lady to go pound salt', etc....

His name is Juan, and we refer to his particular diction as E-Juanics. wanna see a list of thing's he's said? we keep a list.


Forever Empress E
I work with a guy who is a nonstop mixed metaphor.

...He 'told that lady to go pound salt', etc....

His name is Juan, and we refer to his particular diction as E-Juanics. wanna see a list of thing's he's said? we keep a list.

Actually, I would.


Let's be making sexy business
E-Juanics: Phrases or sentences, or just odd word combinations as spoken by a certain salesperson at our dealership. He will remain nameless in order to prevent him coming across this and being able to sue me. Understand that he speaks English perfectly with no accent. He does speak Spanish as well, so I have to give him props for being bilingual. I am sad that I can't get the Spanish versions of these things to go with the English ones. Our other Spanish speaker says he is just as fucked up in Spanish as he is in English. So...In no particular order.....

E Juanics

· I will not get involved in this fugatious abstraction of justice
· Yes, Hi. My name is \\\\\\\\\||||//////Jr. You don’t know me, but you came in inquiring about a ….
· We are moving cars to places we have never moved them before
· I’ll take that under heed of advice
· Mr. Bacon is not out of the woods….we DO have a car with low miles
· I don’t have too many people I can tap over the phone
· These babies will practically go to the bathroom by themselves (referring to the remote transmitter)
· It has 175 Horsepower all the way through
· This car has scattered wheels….narrower in the front, wider in the back ( we think he means staggered)
· I want to wish you an up to date birthday
· I remember this story…..because it stuck in my claw for months
· Would you like some coffee or a fresh soda?
· You have a bose sound system inside the car, so that you will look SWEET going down the highway
· We are going to bounce our heads against the wall
· Do not fly away, I need you to take care of my downer lease. (referring to grounding an off lease car)
· He’s gone to the higher and greener pasture. (referring to a salesman that quit)
· Family orientated business
· We are rapidly approaching the end of the month and we have Rocking deals
· The airbags protect your spleen
· It has an onboard alarm system
· Airbags behind the steering wheel
· You are not afraid to refer anyone here?
· I need to get the car to make sure the battery starts
· Since I’ve been back from vacation, I don’t know what happened with your hunt for a hybrid
· Waiting on my manager to leave the meeting so that I can attack them with the numbers
· I can master up (no idea)
· Mr Customer, When I spoke to my tower last, I can do better (the tower is in reference to the salesmanager’s desk)
· Mike M was the one that put me onto the customer
· When the aquaducts fell down in New Orleans
· This automobile is loaded down
· You want it all loaded down with the niceties
· I’m gonna drive them on a stick
· I’ve been informed that the lien holder is the organization called “The Bank”
· I’m dealing with a very young person that has very limited brain capacity, you know what I mean.
· Are there any cars inside their household?
· I just tossed these numbers at my boss at the tower
· There was a call back on this car (recall maybe?)
· They are replacing the seatbelts inside the car
· A really nice immense rebate
· The target number I gave you was wrong
· Not sure about the year of your car because the previous salesman was not precise
· I have a preowned versa coming into my stock
· You don’t know me. Andrew A sold you the car, and your file fell into my lap
· You don’t know me, but I represent this dealership in passing out promotional coupon packs
· Tommy was pulled over by [name of our town] State Troopers
· In a very busy weekend, we push out a lot of vehicles
· Your ceiling is a little high for the banks
· We have a Special Finance Manager who sits here with people

The Question

An appointment can be future or past - it is a fixed date.
I had an appointment for a consultation with one of my doctors two weeks ago.
However, he had to postpone that appointment to a later date. After the consultation, I made a future appointment for a follow up visit.

Yeah, but you can't make a past appointment. Okay, okay, technically you could, but you can't make one and then keep it.