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Gagh is Responsible For this Whole Mess


New member
Hey Gagh..........remember when Eric sent this threatening email (that he published on TK) to Me??? to an email address only known to me???? an email address someone on this board gave him??? He made good on his threat to file criminal charges against me. In addition to having me falsely arrested, a government computer was used to create a Burglary and previous arrest record to ensure his success when he tooked forged emails to the sheriff's dept to press charges.

You see..............he really should have pressed charges against YOU. He thought BellaDonita was me.............and we all know who BellaDonita is.

Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 2:29 PM
> >>Subject: No RE: Needed
> >>
> >> >I posted the following to you on the board, but since you haven't
> >> > responded I have to send it to your email. This screen will also be
> >> > captured for prosperity. Your response isn't necessary in order to
> >> > make this binding, since I am sending it to an address that only you
> >> > have access to. :)
> >> >
> >> > Deb,
> >> >
> >> > This post will be screen captured, along with all of your other
> >> >
> >> > You called my home today, twice. You spoke with my wife. I cannot
> >> > stress how extremely inappropriate this action was.
> >> >
> >> > Therefore be advised that I am more than willing to pursue legal
> >> > action against if you disobey the statement I am now making: Do not
> >> > call my home again. Ever. Although your phone call was uninvited, I
> >> > not have any legal recourse against you at this time due to the fact
> >> > that my number is listed. However, I do have a large amount of
> >> > recourse if you call me again after I have made it clear that your
> >> > calls aren't welcome, which they aren't.
> >> >
> >> > That being said, why on earth did you call? My wife said you were
> >> > asking her who it was that emailed me when it is very clear who it
> >> > was. They admitted it on this board. So why did you ask again?
> >> > Understand this: I will not enter into private communications with
> >> > you. Ever. So asking me to email you is an effort in futility because
> >> > it just won't happen.
> >> >
> >> > I regret that we could not have civil discourse, but the very fact
> >> > that you switched personalities mid-stream in this very thread is
> >> > telling of your condition. Enough is enough. I strongly suggest you
> >> > stop this while you still have a choice in the matter. Unlike you, I
> >> > am more than willing to pursue this in "real life." And being a state
> >> > correctional officer, I have more than enough connections to get the
> >> > desired result. Did you realize that your i.p. address is logged on
> >> > this board, as well as every single board you post at? I.p. accesses
> >> > can be ordered released by a judge. I suspect that a judge wouldn't
> >> > even have to order it in this case. I suspect it would be freely
> >> > to me if I just asked.

> >> >
> >> > Deb, I really mean this. You need to seek the Lord. He can help you
> >> > through whatever this illness is that you are going through. After
> >> > that, seek medical help. Know that I will be praying for you, just
> >> > please don't call again. You'll leave me no choice in the matter if
> >> > you do.
> >> >
> >> > Seek help. Soon.
> >> >
> >> > In Christ's love,
> >> > Eric Evangelical Underground>

Eric is such a loving Christian.............isn't he Gagh????
I suspect the Judge wouldn't even have to order these records, I suspect they would just be given to me freely if I just axed.

Well..............I had to set a few traps and put a lot of cheese on the traps. I used government cheese.