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Game Of Thrones 4.6 'The Laws Of Gods And Men'

I was too sleepy to watch the second showing of this episode last night (TOO MANY TV SHOWS ON SUNDAY :rwmad: ) Anyway, hopefully it will be on tonight and I will watch it. I'm sure it will be on many times this week anyway.
The performance from Peter Dinklage in that closing scene was about as powerful as anything as you could hope to see from any actor. Good episode.
Yeah that's the clip they'll use when The Dinkster is nominated for an Emmy (and wins!?)

Yara's really scared of dogs, huh?

I bet the other dragons are jealous that Drogon (STILL NOT NAMED IN THE SHOW) gets all the screentime.

I wish Stannis would do something cool.
Tbh, I found most of the episode fairly dull until Tyrion's trial.

Stannis and Davos never interest me, as I'm not rooting for them, and they're not interesting when viewed as villains either. Nice to see Mark Gatiss though.

Theon's sister's attack turned out to be a bit of an anticlimax. Ramsey's small force (2 guys maybe?) and the dogs didn't really justify leaving Theon there, regardless of his state of mind.

And Dany's scene was quite interesting, but it's always frustrating that she's so far away and detached from anything else that's happening. Yeah, I know, I should get used to it...

Anyway, Tyrion's trial was great. I presume Cersei delivered an ultimatum to Shae to make her lie, though I can't imagine what it'd be exactly. It's not as though testifying against Tyrion's makes him safer, but I don't believe she'd do so without good reason.
Well remember Shae apparently thought Tyrion really was sending her away because he didn't love her a few episodes ago, so maybe she was doing it out of spite (in the book she never loved really and it wasn't clear if he loved her or if she just reminded him of his first wife.)

Yeah the Yara rescue scene was pretty bad but I didn't want to complain because I think I look like a BOOK SNOB when I do. But seriously why was Ramsay shirtless and where did the dogs go when Yara and friends ran back (dogs can run faster than humans!) and why were they so scared of dogs when the had armour on anyway.
This was a very sort of blah episode. I agree that Tyrion's trial was the most interesting part but even that wasn't as good as it should have been.
There wasn't much buildup to it in this episode. It got to about 15 minutes before the end and it was suddenly like "oh, so they're doing Tyrion's trial this week, huh?"
It reminded me of the trial in Chrono Trigger.
