

U mad 'bro?
So, with the gas prices going way up, and people bitching about it and "What the Government ought to do about it",
Can't people do something about it themselves?

Why, Yes they can!

If you look out onto the road and the cars driving on it, you'll notice something.
95% of the cars have a single person in it.
How many seats are there?
How much a month do you spend on gas?
locally, buscards are 34$.

I own a mountain bike.
I do not own, or even know how to drive, a car.

I won't list all the obvious ways to buy less gas and save money, you people have already heard it.

Just that your selfishness on insisting to use gas is validating the oil company's position and so you ought to be paying what price THEY want.

Just Do It!
So much for the road trip I was planning for us, BG. If you think I'm driving the whole fucking way YOU'RE SORELY MISTAKEN.

I guess we can just bike it then.

I'll bring the Fig Newtons.
Well, you can pick me on the way. I live in NM.

You can get some fresh water here, and we're off.

Oh, bring some spices for the roadkill, too. I'll bring flares.
The price of gas is the governments fault, in fact Bush and the republicans fault. They cut taxes and got us into the Iraq war which had nothing to do with 9-11. This created the large deficits that made the dollar weaker. When Bush took office, it took 80 cents to buy a Euro, and gold was around $250 an ounce. Today $1.23 buys a Euro and gold is well past $600. Its simple to figure out why oil is so expensive now. Its the value of the trinkets you trade for it.
It sucks because it's kind of hard to save gas when most stuff is miles away from your house. :/
Well, I was more referring to the supplies one usually needs gas to acquire. Just become self-sufficient and don't travel anywhere then what you're willing to bike.
I live in California, everything is spread out, I have to drive and I can't always buddy up. At $3.19 a gallon I pay for it but then, I have no choice.
Fuck it. It's getting to the point where we won't even be able to AFFORD to drive to work.

Forced vacation. Whee!
You can store gas. My house has a 1000 gal oil tank, that I cleaned out and converted to gas strorage. I try to refill on the valleys and have been successful for the most part. I'm currently paying 1.89 a gallon, but I only have about 200 gals left. My car takes 13 gal to fill and gets about 36 mpg on the avg, so I get about 450 a tank and I use my bike when I can.

Fuck them.
I used to bike everywhere but have fallen out of the habit. Maybe it's time to get back into it...
Let's just hope Bush meets the same fate as Mussolini. They have so much in common, it would be fitting.