I Love Cunt
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I don't believe a word anyone says.
But from today on, I will trust whatever you say
until you give me reason to doubt you.
But from today on, I will trust whatever you say
until you give me reason to doubt you.
I don't believe a word anyone says.
But from today on, I will trust whatever you say
until you give me reason to doubt you.
I know someone, she trusts people like that until they give her reason not too. She just trusts right out.
I am the opposite. You have to earn your trust with me first. You start out being susupiciuos to me, then I see if you are trustworthy.
I think I do that maybe becasue perhaps I am not trust worthy. I have done bad so I think everyone else has done bad.
I was that way when I was the boss. I knew all the tricks people would pull because I used to do them too.
I can't say I like doubting everything you say however. I will try a new way.
I'm too trusting of other people and end up getting my feelings hurt and or betrayed most of the time.
What happened? Rape?
I'm not trusting enough and I tend to alienate people who care about me and thus miss out on quality of life and intimacy.
A fucked up way to live that I'm trying hard to change.
I don't trust anyone I meet on Troll boards.
I'm not trusting enough and I tend to alienate people who care about me and thus miss out on quality of life and intimacy.
A fucked up way to live that I'm trying hard to change.
I am saying this for my benefit as well. What is the worst thing that could happen to you if you believe someone and later find out they lied? Is it not on them and thier character that they lied to you?