Hilbert Frakes I am king of the sea people! Oct 5, 2005 #2 Hes got a son stephen then John and a daughter
Hilbert Frakes I am king of the sea people! Oct 5, 2005 #3 wasnt it fuunny how he beamed people in the head with golf balls or take a stumble down a flight of stairs.
wasnt it fuunny how he beamed people in the head with golf balls or take a stumble down a flight of stairs.
Hilbert Frakes I am king of the sea people! Oct 5, 2005 #4 Maybe John Fords that tennessee senator that recently resigned.
Hilbert Frakes I am king of the sea people! Oct 5, 2005 #5 Isnt it a coincidence that Gerald Ford was this bumbling idiot and John Fords also a bumbling clutz.
Hilbert Frakes I am king of the sea people! Oct 5, 2005 #6 Probably caused by years of inbreeding in that family