German Jews Demand That "Aryan" Statues Be Destroyed

The Question

Source: Free Market News

Free Market News said:
Thursday, June 01, 2006 -

Jewish activists are demanding that several bronze statues of broad-shouldered athletes, at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, be either draped or removed entirely before the upcoming World Cup games begins, according to a London Times article.

The claim is that these figures, initially sculpted by Arno Breker under the orders of Adolf Hitler to extol the virtues of the Aryan master race, still represent "Nazi propaganda" and should not be visible to the soccer players and fans attending Cup matches. The protest is being led by Lea Rosch, who led the campaign to build a Holocaust memorial in the city center; she reportedly considers the "cover-up" her "new cause." Breker had been a renowned sculptor even before Hitler's reign, and was commissioned during the building of the Stadium for the 1936 Olympic Games, to sculpt "The Female Victor" and "The Decathlete."

Rosch wants both covered, along with statues of discus throwers and relay runners by Karl Albiker, "The Resting Athlete" (by Georg Kolbe) and others scattered around the complex. Meanwhile, Ralph Giordano, a leading German Jewish novelist, wants the statues pulverized or melted down. Calling them "ugly and deceitful," he reportedly said, "I demand that these statues be taken out of the stadium, quickly dismantled and scrapped." - ST

Fucking. Disgusting.

Oops -- sorry, I almost forgot. It's okay to hate a people and try to dismantle or destroy their culture, as long as they're white.
I think the "activists" should grow up and just let the statues be. They're not hurting anybody.

The desire to destroy other people's property is part of what the Nazi evil was about, if I remember correctly. Krystal Nacht, anyone?

At least they're not going after the American Superman. (yet) :roll:

I think they should drill holes in the groin areas and let the jews fuck themselves silly.
Well, Volkswagens have to go, obviously -- "The People's Car" was one of the most prominent beneficiaries of WW2 prisoner labor, after all.
This, by the way, is pure vindictiveness and jealousy on their part, in case that wasn't obvious to everyone and their dog.
The Question said:
Source: Free Market News

Fucking. Disgusting.

Oops -- sorry, I almost forgot. It's okay to hate a people and try to dismantle or destroy their culture, as long as they're white.

Yes! Oui! Take the statues down! They invade France I agree take down the statues! C'est vraiment de ta faute!