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Girl raped by 35 soldiers

So it was consensual... but how do you not figure it out that she's 11? Hey, baby, those boobs sure are concave, ain't they? YOU GOT IT GOIN' ON!!!
Ishcabittle said:
So it was consensual... but how do you not figure it out that she's 11? Hey, baby, those boobs sure are concave, ain't they? YOU GOT IT GOIN' ON!!!

One day... one day.... the concept of "Informed" consent [as opposed to "consent"] will become the standard to apply in cases like this.

Maybe one day.....but apparenlty not today.
Caitriona said:
One day... one day.... the concept of "Informed" consent [as opposed to "consent"] will become the standard to apply in cases like this.

Maybe one day.....but apparenlty not today.
As opposed to this.
Perhaps I was too oblique in my references in that post.

What I was trying to say is this.. Those soldiers probably did get consent from that young girl. BUT, she had no clue what she was really consenting to.. hence my reference to "informed consent"..

You can get a child to say yes to almost anything because they DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE CONSENTING TO, that's why it is such a horrific crime. You give them a hug and a lollipop and say come with me, and they follow because they are so young. That technically is consent, it's just not informed consent.

Other than that, I guess I just don't follow what you are talking about.
^ While I can appreciate this is TK, and anything is fair game for a good troll, you only make yourself look like a damn idiot with this kind of remark. Show some originality at least.
Also isn't this sort of thing against the rules? After all posting a picture or describing a mental picture which is against the rules are the same thing, aren't they? We're just using different sensory modalities in each case. Nevertheless, in both cases the mental representation in our brain is the same.