
Unluckiest Charm in the Box
I wrecked one of my R/C cars :mad:

I have (or had) a very old Tamiya Subaru Brat that I've had for years and have always wanted one since my youth. I got bored and decided to blow the dust off and take it out for a little spin. Turns out that I somehow managed to allow myself to forget that these vintage type cars are not waterproof. :eek:

I accidentally rolled it into a water puddle and...POOF! :eek:

She is dead.. my baby runs no more. :(

Im sure that the ESC (electronis speed controller) got fried, only problem is trying to find another one to replace it. The closest hobby store near me is closing its doors "after 35 years in service" at the end of the month.

Now Ive got to do some detective work to see who has a replacement ESC for this thing!
That sucks. I remember the old cars that my ex was always having to pull the distributor cap off of and drying out stuff, resetting gaps, and other stuff I don't understand because back then I was definitely a girl and girls did not know that kind of stuff. Girls pulled up into a gas station and a man came out and put gas in the car, washed the windshield, checked the water level in the battery and in the radiator, looked at the belts and aired up the tires. I miss that guy.

No.. this is for a small model R/C (Radio Controlled) car thats been sitting off in the corner of my home for years. :)