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Text books are so damn expensive. I have a wish list on Amazon that even if I purchased one text book a month, I would spend at minimum $1500 a year!
half.com and ebay. you can find used versions of the books you need at those sites while literally paying a fraction of the cost.

I really hate textbook printing companies. They're worse than software developers. They release a new version of their textbook each year and the proffs are in cahoots, telling you, you need to buy the most recent version. Most of the time, the new versions are just rearranged versions of the older ones. Fucking bullshit.
you can also go with slightly older versions of a lot of texts, which can be purchased at dirt cheap prices near your local college. Most times the added info is nothing more than a couple paragraphs here and there, mostly a racket for milking your wallet dry. And a lot of professors tend to make you do your reading outside class anyway, so it doesn't matter.
There are a lot of analog circuit design textbooks that are great, but at minimum they are $150. I tend to buy new to ensure they are in good condition, but Amazon is a good place to find used book as well.

The eBook version is usually $20 cheaper, LOL at that.
Uhh... why?

As long as all the pages are there, who cares if the cover's torn off and the pages are dog-eared and pre-hilighted or underlined?

So you are telling me that you can deal with a book with a shitty spine where the pages are all but falling out? Yeah right.
Uh... I payed my own way through school. I got whatever books I could afford. If the pages were missing, I just made copies of someone else's.
Besides, let's not kid ourselves. There are tons of college students who buy new books and never so much as crack them open, let alone read all the assignments. You can get used books in great, pristine condition...
Uhh... why?

As long as all the pages are there, who cares if the cover's torn off and the pages are dog-eared and pre-hilighted or underlined?

I had a free ride until the government found me, and now I am paying for my college education lol.
I left all my books in pristine condition. At $150 apiece bought new I could sell them to someone coming up right after me for at least half. Plus, some of them I kept for reference books. Not everybody wrecks their books.