God hates Oklahoma?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I've been watching the DRAMATIC footage of the flooding in Oklahoma on CNN. This girl has been swimming in the trees for what seems like forever! A news helicopter found her, and the boats haven't got to her yet. HANG IN THERE LITTLE GIRL!

My sister lives in OKC, and she isn't answering her cell phone. :rwmad:


I want to smell dark matter
I hope your sister and the little girl are okay!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The girl was rescued! ALSO, my sister finally answered her phone!

Dr Dave

The phones were either down or just busy as heck.

Good to hear your sister & the girl is alright.

God doesn't just hate Oklahoma, but the south in general I suspect.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Why would God hate the South more than JEW YORK CITY? :rwmad: ALSO, Oklahoma isn't in the South.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
She would be really turned on by your knees.

PLUS my sister didn't answer the phone because she was making French toast! Why not American toast? TRAITOR.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
THEN GOD HATES AMERICA. If you think any part of this country is without nutty Christians you are MISTAKEN.

Dr Dave

Don't get me started with those idiots Gagh.

She would be really turned on by your knees.

PLUS my sister didn't answer the phone because she was making French toast! Why not American toast? TRAITOR.

It's only french if it surrenders.


She's right. Just Google Image search "Nutty Christian"



Dr Dave

THEN GOD HATES AMERICA. If you think any part of this country is without nutty Christians you are MISTAKEN.

I don't, it's just down south and in the mid west there seems to be a concentration of the nutty folks.

Not everybody is like that down there I know.

I Know several nice southerners like Cassie!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
You only think there are larger concentrations of them down here because it makes you feel better to think people aren't like that where you live. I WILL REMIND YOU OF THE MORMONS NAO. We don't have many of them down here, and you could pour chocolate over them and have a nutty delicious treat.

Dr Dave

Mormons are pretty nutty.

We have some of them here, although they are less nutty then the Utah sort from what I hear.



Touching the monolith
Staff member
It's alright Dr Dave, I still <3 you. It just makes me :rwmad: cuz everyone looks down their noses at the South, but are usually oblivious to the wackos all around them. It is my personal opinion that the entire world is full of batshit crazy people. Some of them are dangerous and some of them are just stupid. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. I guess we're easy targets because we sound like hicks, even the smart ones!

Dr Dave

Oh I'd never assume every place doesn't have crazy people.

You mearly asked about one area, so I gave an opinion on well the wrong area lol.

I can see how that would make you mad, but when you have stupid shit with abortion laws that get passed down there (i forget what state it was), it's easy for us non southerners to poke at ya all.

(and no I'm not saying weird shit doesn't get passed around here, just doesn't seem as bad often enough))

Well i've managed to ruin the thread, AWAY I GO!


Touching the monolith
Staff member

I was still watching CNN when they started talking about the flash flooding in Arkansas. They interviewed this lady whose family survived the flood by clinging to a tree whilst all the other people around them died. She says she knows God has a plan for her, that she's here for a reason, because she would have died along with all the others. Why would all that death PROVE God? Why wouldn't it prove that shit happens, and there's no one at the controls? :rwmad:

Dr Dave

Has anybody yet come on tv (like from the 700 Club) and blamed the God or Jews?

If not, its only a matter of time.