Mentalist Administrator Staff member Sep 12, 2006 #1 I just fucking remembered where Russel Brand got that from. Duh.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Sep 12, 2006 #2 AND IT SEEMED TO ME YOU LIVED YOUR LIFE LIKE A CANDLE IN THE WIND
headvoid Can I have Ops? Sep 12, 2006 #5 Russell Brand is on my hate list. The only thing that keeps me sane is the fact he has to go back home and shag Jo Brand at night.
Russell Brand is on my hate list. The only thing that keeps me sane is the fact he has to go back home and shag Jo Brand at night.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Sep 12, 2006 #8 He raped some girls in Edinburgh but got away with it by being witty!
Gagh Χριστόφορος Sep 12, 2006 #9 Then he raped a cyberman and wasn't so luck when it deleted his PENIS.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Sep 12, 2006 #10 THEN ONE DALEK KILLED ABOUT 389,854 CYBERMAN IN THE SEASON TWO FINALE SO WHO GOT THE LAST LAUGHT?