Goreans, Kaotians, sex cult!?!


Grand Wizard of TK

Officers discover sex-slave cult

A sex slavery cult based on a series of 1960s science fiction novels has been uncovered by police in Darlington.

Durham Police discovered the bizarre sect after raiding a home in the area, after receiving complaints that a woman was being held against her will.

But a spokesman said the Canadian was a willing participant and the other people involved were consenting adults.

The group, called Kaotians, follow the Chronicles of Gor novels which depict a society where women are dominated.

The 29-year-old woman is said to have voluntarily attended the sect after finding out about it over the internet.

She later contacted a friend in United States, who then contacted the police, saying she wanted to leave but couldn't as she had burnt her passport and return ticket.

But a police spokesman said upon arriving at the premises they did not find any evidence of "criminal offences".

'Own choice'

Police also investigated claims by a father in Essex his 18-year-old son had joined the sect. However police also found the teenager was at the property voluntarily and they had no grounds to get involved.

Lee Thompson, 31, says he is the "master" who trains the slaves at the Darlington address.

He said the women who act as slaves "do so by their own choice".
"We're just a group of people that live a different lifestyle, I mean there's nothing wrong with that," he told BBC News.

"We don't hurt anyone, we don't damage anyone, everyone's consensual."
Members of the group based their lives on "a dominant submissive point of view", he said.

"It's one thing that everyone's missed out on so far is, even in our organisation, if that's what you want to call it, women can be free and they can be dominant, we don't stop that," he added.

"But the majority of women in our organisation are obviously slaves because women have a submissive streak in them."

Mr Thompson says up to 350 followers regularly meet in pubs and clubs around the North East, in an area from Berwick to York.

Kaotians are a splinter group of the Goreans, which base their beliefs on novels written by American university professor John Norman.

The books are set on the quasi-medieval planet of Gor, which has a caste system and uses women as slaves.

There are an estimated 25,000 Goreans worldwide.
Interesting how easily cults about pretty much anything can spring up now a days.

Anyone know anything more about this group? Is this just a whoopee free sex kind of thing or is there an entire philosophy based on this sex slave system?

The books are rather repetitive, described as a 4th grade story line (with sex) with a collage age vocabulary. John Norman was very full of himself. Most Gorian societies can be thought of as a SCA weekend with more sex (in fact, there is a lot of the "Ren Faire" crowd into this).

From my own exposure, "Gorian" is usually used to describe a style of training in D/s. The books are used as source material for protocols, positional training and a general style of how to treat a submissive or slave. "Gorian feasts" are a lot of fun to go to, and because it's a rather self-contained 'world' there are details that people like to pick up on such as styles of dancing or even food service. It's possible to be rather "immersive" at such events because the fantasy "world" it's set in is so well developed.

"Gorian Style" is usually a Male Dom (but Domme's are not unheard of...although the style and mind-set is that all women are ultimately submissive), objectification style of D/s. Women are property. They own nothing, not their bodies, choices in partners, or even their own names (which may be changed at their Master's whims). Women are expected to be totally submissive, with the only initiative allowed being attempts to catch the eye of the Master she wishes to serve. Slaves are sold or given away frequently and, again, at the whim of their Master.

I use Gorian protocols when it suits me. Some of the ideas a very good. Some are totally fantasy and not practical. As a rule, I don't get along with "True Gorian" style Masters as I like a little more initiative and "spirit" in my slaves and submissives.

An example of a Gorian protocol (which I like):
When serving a drink, a Gorian style slave (addressed as "kijara" should carry the cup at her "slave belly" (below her belly-button and above her pubic bone). The idea is to use her body heat to keep the drink warm. When she arrives at the person she is serving, she kneels, brings the cup to her lips, kisses the rim, and then lifts the cup over her head in such a way that the place she kissed will be the first place the "Master's" lips touch. She then holds that position until released.

There are other protocols I like, particularly the positional protocols, most of which are supposed to emphasize the kijara's submission. There are also dances, some of which "enigma" knows and has performed at feasts, such as a chain dance (the dancer is in the center of a circle, the Doms at the outside, she has light chains attached to restraints, cuffs or collar, the Dom's gently tug the chains and she dances in that direction), or a pole dance (the dancer acts as if a pole or other object is a lover, the idea is to show desire in her mind for display to the audience). Usually, in engima's case, it's a fusion of belly dance (the costume is usually reminiscent of this), hula, and her ballet training. She has something of a reputation for this... There are dozens of other things that are mentioned, the colors a slave is dressed in can signal her availability and how she is treated, there is a lot of other ritual with regard to body modification too (piercings and brandings in particular).
There are some elements that, as I've mentioned before, are impractical. For example, in the BOOKS, slaves who run away can be summarily executed, but more commonly have their Achilles tendon cut (permanently hobbling them). "Masters" are expected to dual with swords, and an un-answered insult can result in someone being scorned and no longer considered to be worthy of slave ownership. These aspects, of course, probably don't translate well to real life.

As a "philosophy", it's too simplistic to work in this world (but it works on "Gor"). It's also too out of balance to work as a basis for any long-term D/s relationship, IMHO.

Like any fantasy, there are people who can take things too far. The books are detailed enough that one could probably build a fantasy "community" if they keep it insulated. For a weekend, however, it's viable as a vacation from reality.
SCA- ~groan~
Is there any social group for men and women together that doesn't end up as just a veil for people trying to get laid?

SCA, Amptgard, Larping(Vampire), etc....
Blindgroping said:
SCA- ~groan~
Is there any social group for men and women together that doesn't end up as just a veil for people trying to get laid?

SCA, Amptgard, Larping(Vampire), etc....
Sex Addicts Anonymous?
The Gor novels are excellent science fiction with a mountain of that slave/master rubbish. It's great for the first few novels but eventuallu goes overboard as it becomes the soul of the book rather than the science fiction.

Book 5: Assassins of Gor is by far the best one I have read.
Blindgroping said:
SCA- ~groan~
Is there any social group for men and women together that doesn't end up as just a veil for people trying to get laid?

SCA, Amptgard, Larping(Vampire), etc....

Please do not attribute the SCA to something like Vampire LARPers and sex groups.

We are not anything like that. Yes, there are some people who do that, but not all of us
Dark Link said:
Please do not attribute the SCA to something like Vampire LARPers and sex groups.

We are not anything like that. Yes, there are some people who do that, but not all of us
Something tells me there are more than a few SCA guys who don't get sex.
Dark Link said:
Please do not attribute the SCA to something like Vampire LARPers and sex groups.

We are not anything like that. Yes, there are some people who do that, but not all of us
Most everyone at every SCA gathering I've met is about that.
WAR: "If you can't get laid at WAR, you can't get laid!"
Blindgroping said:
Most everyone at every SCA gathering I've met is about that.
WAR: "If you can't get laid at WAR, you can't get laid!"

Yeah... Unfortunetly, that is the mindset of some people, but not all.

People in the SCA use it more to have fun with other like-minded people. But because of some people, the entire SCA group is seen as some mass orgy.