Got Civilization 4…


Grand Wizard of TK
and now I’m taking this bug ridden piece of shit back to the store I got it from. If you can name a problem I’ve probably had to deal with it. I’ve had to uninstall other programs, reinstall Civ 4, update drivers, deal with a CD that seems to load randomly, random desktop dumping, and the game just gets slower and slower the longer you play.

2K Games and Firaxis can go fuck themselves. I’m getting my money back.


Staff member
Eh? Worked fine for me. I'm loving it, its fucking safe as fuck. Got to love the work that Sid did this time around, they laid they shit down and made one hell of a game.

I suggest you go get your copy back mate and make that shit work. What set up are you running on btw. Man, you shouldn't EVER get slowdown on a Civ game.


King of Sarcasm
How does it differ from Civilization 3? What are the cool changes.


Staff member
It's a total reboot in a way. Everything has been streamlined without losing any complexity. It is easily the best version of Civ to date. It has been getting steady reviews in the 9.5+ range and it deserves it. Of course it is now 3d and while the graphics will hardly make your jaw drop they are pretty snazzy for a Civ game. But of course thats got nothing to do with Civ.

No, really, the game is stellar. I LOVED Civ II but only mildly enjoyed Civ III. Civ IV is just a revalation, its great!

Oh, and I should add that Leonard Nimoy does the voice work describing every tech you research in the game.



Staff member
Oh and not that there isn't enough game allready but I can't even imagine how many cool things are going to be added in expansions and mods.

Geez, I really want to have a quick game but I can't feasibly write six hours of my day today..

Aww.. fuck it, just.. one... more... turn..


RIP Karl 1991-2014
AI set on the easiest level, no military, no exploration. I created about seven cities in a small area on one continent and researched the required techs until I could build the Apollo 13 wonder and had researched the required techs for the SS. My area was rich in aluminum, so the cities produced the parts fairly quickly. I started building Apollo and the SS parts in the early 1700s.


Staff member
Shit, well done. I prefer to be left alone to research techs. I got embroiled in a neighbouring war with Germany which lasted 150 years. I poured so many resources into building a military force I lost valuable time to build and city improvments and my research was all military based for the duration of the war. This was a big game set on Noble difficulty.

Suffice to say I came third but I won the war.

Hmm, if we have enough people with the game here we should post scenarios so we all start in the same place, same difficulty, country, leader ect. And see who does better.