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GTC's Interview With Me

S. SaDiablo

New member
Since GTC doesn't have the balls to post it, but insists I acted like a cheap whore during the interview...decide for yourself.

Jumping straight to the question everyone has on their mind. Just who are you?

Who am I? Well, I'm many things. I'm an outrageous flirt...a walking contradiction...a blonde some, I'm a bitch...and to others a best friend. Mainly, I'm someone who likes to keep people on their toes and leave them guessing. It keeps life interesting.

Oh I'm sure you're hot and all but can you cook too?

So what brings you to TK? You seem to have inserted yourself into the board rather easily.

No, I can't cook. At all. Seriously, I'm the type who will burn down the kitchen if I get too close to a toaster. I've even ruined instant oatmeal (don't ask) which is why I either need to find myself a man who cooks or marry rich and hire a chef.

I heard about TK through EI. I never planned on registering, but eventually I found myself having more to comment on here than over there.

I like the freedom here of 'anything goes.' It's not all "hugs and kisses," either. If someone hates you, they have no hesitation in telling you to fuck off (special thanks to CU for the warm welcome, by the way ). It fits my personality; I won't pretend to like someone if I don't. I'm very straightforward and blunt. It has gotten me into more trouble than I can count. It's very refreshing to be able to express that side here without repercussions.

As to how I've inserted myself into the community so easily... I have no idea, really. On most message boards I lurk for some time, I post maybe 5 times and then I go back to lurking. That was my original intention when I joined TK, but I really like the community here (for the most people). They're a colorful bunch. Hopefully I'll be around for some time.

But, honestly, I didn't even expect anyone to notice me let alone like me. So maybe we'll chalk it up to charisma.

For once I'd like to find a hot woman who can cook a damn meal! WTF is up with that? Are cooking skills bred out of you or something?

Uh so anyway there is a brutal honesty found on TK. It's something I haven't been able to find on any other message board.

I can't imagine someone with any kind of honesty being a regular poster on ExIsle. How do you see the current climate over there? What glaring problems need to be fixed?

How about a hot woman who can pick up the phone and order pizza? My mother and older sister both can cook. My two best friends (female) can cook. My ex-boyfriend can even cook. So, you see, since I've always been surrounded by people who can feed me, I've never had to acquire the skill myself.

As to I could write an entire essay. I've been there a long time and the decline over time is obvious.

They've lost some really good members and gained a group of ditzy teenagers in the process, but that's not really something that they can control. It's a pity, though, having to wade though tons of posts in search of intelligent conversation.

But, anyway, the biggest problems I see concern the guidelines and some of the Mods. They keep adding and adding to the guidelines to suit their purposes, but only succeed in taking away the freedom of the members in the process. It's just not a fun place to visit anymore. It's only a message board for crying out loud and they treat it like the fate of the free world rests on their shoulders. They need to ease up a bit.

And then there's the Moderators...some need a break. Seriously. If they are as stressed as they say...a message board isn't worth it. Take a vacation. Message boards are supposed to be enjoyable, not a second job.

Then you have the Mods who are on a power trip especially since no rules apparently apply to them. It's pretty screwed up right now. But they still have the chance to fix it...if they'd only be willing to admit there is a problem that as nothing to do with the troll attacks.

Oh, and they need to get rid of the EI trolls who were there long before the TK trolls.

I won't bore you by going on further...but I'd be happy to discuss it later in the Godforsaken Hell Holes.

Ordering out pizza? You better be a college girl.

Where do you see the ExIsle's future going? Can the current problems be fixed or will the old guard moderators only compound upon the problems they've created for themselves?

I can order Chinese, too...

Honestly, I've never been in a position of power there, so I can't say. I don't know what is going on behind the scenes or if they're actively trying to make any changes. But if things continue as they have been, the board is doomed. That much is obvious.

Ok fine you can get away with Chinese

You might not be in a position of power but what about out front in AQG? Do you think the membership could have or should begin doing more in order to gain some of their freedoms back?

They could try, I suppose. But they'd meet a lot of opposition, especailly from Mods and members who think the system is working just fine. The answer is in the hands of the Mods and Admins...they need to start listening more than anything. There are already tons of good ideas and suggestions out there, but they often get swept under the rug...

Now. How about a question that isn't EI related?

A question not related to EI!?! You killed my interview! Ok maybe not

So what does a girl who eats take out all the time do for fun on the Internet?

Now, now... I don't eat take out all the time. And even if I did, I certainly don't show it.

I do the same as everyone else; I look for porn. Ok, maybe not. I strike fear into the hearts of unsuspecting message boards! I create chaos and destruction wherever I go!

Still not buying it, huh? Me neither. Ok...

I visit have a few websites I like to visit daily or weekly. These past two weeks I've been on vacation, so that's why I've been hanging around TK so much. Next week I go back to work, but I might still stop by when I can. Depends on how much people hate me after this interview.

Also, I have friends all over the U.S. and I use the internet to keep in touch with them. And then there's school work but you did say "fun" so I don't think that counts...

And that is the boring truth...

Oh you won't be around much? I might end up with a reputation for driving off the members after an interview if this kind of thing keeps happening.

Any posters here you don't like much? Be as big a meanie as you want, this is TK after all.

Nah, I'll still stop by. And don't worry about driving me off...'cause I know you're really a teddy bear despite your aversion to hugs.

Hm...this question would have been easier if it was name the posters I like.

I can't say I "hate" anyone here because I've always believed that you can't truly hate someone unless you know them on a personal level. I haven't been around long to know most of the members that well. Even if I did...I don't think I could hate them unless I knew them in person. People come across very differently on the internet than they do in real life. I'm sure if you tried hard enough you could find something good in the most mean-spirited, hateful poster around. When I do come across someone like that, I just try to ignore them. They're not worth my time and energy. (I know, I know, this just makes me sound so fierce, doesn't it?)

Now...there are quite a few members I find annoying (I don't need to name them, we all know who they are...). I wish those posters would either contribute some intelligent conversation or just move along. But I guess that would defeat the whole "freedom of speech" idea at TK... But they generally get what they deserve so that's fine by me.

Probably not the answer you were expecting, but for now that's how I feel. Ask me again in a couple of months.

Teddy bear? You haven't been around long enough.

OK so what posters have you come across that you like or find most interesting? I'm sure there's a few characters here that catch your interest.

Deny it all you want, I know it's true.

Of the top of my head the posters I am currently fond of and/or find intresting include: Cait, Lilith, Mandi, RommieSG, RuReddy, Sadistic Bastard, Shatna, Sgt_Sniper...and I think I might be forgetting a few.

They all have unique and interesting personalities that are fun to interact with. The membership at TK is so diverse, which is great. Keeps things lively.

Oh, and of course my wonderful interviewer, GTC!
The Maxim interviews are more interesting than the questions you ask, GTC.

Now there's an interview I want Diablo to take. :bigass:
that was thrilling.

Maybe you can do the interview again and make it interesting. how about asking about favorite TV show , music , movie, sexual position.