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guilty pleasures


New member
Hi all,

I'm having a crappy few weeks (past, present and future), including factors such as dentist, surgery and lots of work due for my msc.

I've found myself resorting to my less destructive means of stress relief, including long hot baths, snapping at people, and buying pre-cooked meals (I love cooking for myself usually) as well as junk food.

What are your guilty pleasures?
My guilty pleasure is too private to talk about here. I also don't allow myself to feel guilty for anything pleasurable. I did enjoy an ice-cream sundae this weekend tho. And sometimes I enjoy sugar cereals as opposed to my normal "healthy" type cereals.
Boring huh?
Teletubbies. Seriously. Tinky Winky in particular, 'cause he's purple. LOL

Other than that, vanilla flavored vodka is a new guilty pleasure, and hopefully will be for a long time to come. :D

Oh, and Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs, for, as LC said, a drastic departure from Special K and Kashi.

For the kid in me. :bigass:
I indulged in my guilty pleasure yesterday! I called in sick, and played 18 holes of golf on a glorious, sun-splashed day. I played with an 88-year-old man. He couldn't hear, could barely see, but he was still out there, plugging away. It energized me!
Chaddee said:
Hi all,

I'm having a crappy few weeks (past, present and future), including factors such as dentist, surgery and lots of work due for my msc.

I've found myself resorting to my less destructive means of stress relief, including long hot baths, snapping at people, and buying pre-cooked meals (I love cooking for myself usually) as well as junk food.

What are your guilty pleasures?

Who fucking cares?
Big Dick McGee said:
I indulged in my guilty pleasure yesterday! I called in sick, and played 18 holes of golf on a glorious, sun-splashed day. I played with an 88-year-old man. He couldn't hear, could barely see, but he was still out there, plugging away. It energized me!

Damn. Now I miss my grandpa. Thanks a lot you son-of-a-bitch. No matter. You must admire the guts of such an old man. Such are worthy of one's respect.

Damn, I'm just so grateful I wake up each morning,
I feel guilty if I don't live life its fullest degree. 8)
I don't really have many guilty pleasures except when it comes to my music...but I won't divulge those here. Oh and Mocha Lattes....
Doughnuts. So fattening, so wrong, so yummy in my tummy.

I pay for it though, not just in the thighs but they give me heartburn. I rarely indulge in my doughnut pleasure.
The Question said:
Nah, it means my guilty pleasures usually only last for a few minutes before somebody yanks 'em away. :(

What is your guilty pleasure? Kidnapping children off a public playground in daylight?