I will not be banned unless I decide I want to be banned. Just like I haven't been banned by TBBS. Because I'm not stupid enough to tee up a golden opportunity--and then keep talking after one of the board's owners, who's made it clear they had an axe to grind said something like "I'd stop talking if I were you."
Interestingly, the only board I've ever been banned from was--a conservative board. I'd even got some reputation built up there when I decided to do a bit of housekeeping and post my introduction post. As soon as I did, I was permabanned and every post I'd made was completely erased from the board. Their owners apparently had some bizarre mindset that mentioning any other Internet BBS was the one unforgivable sin, so when I said how I'd wound up there and mentioned everything from StarTrek.com right up to Wordforge, I had to be "disappeared." I even tried apologizing to no effect. Eventually the late, great Muad Dib got me unbanned, but at that point it was too late. I came back once or twice, but any place that tries to play up being patriotic and that brutally represses speech...
I still get spambot e-mails from them from time to time--"You haven't posted in awhile, why not come catch up a bit?" :smflaugh: