Gun Control

Sure. Some people are fucking nuts, and you have to shoot them before they shoot you.

Sorry, I'm really pissed off right now. So called "best friend" my ass!
I am against gun control. 2nd Amendmend was put there for a reason, and the reason still stands today.

States that have strict gun control also seem to have more crime than states with little or less gun control. Vermont has the least, and nothing ever happens in Vermont. Washington D.C., New York, Massachusetts, and California have strict gun control, and the crime rates are higher. Oakland has over 50 homicides so far this year. Gun control will not stop a criminal in getting a gun. It will however, encourage him to rob, kill, or invade a home because he knows the occupants won't have much to defend themselves with. But criminals are also cowards. They hear the rack of a 12 guage, or even a semi-auto pistol racked, he's most likely going to bolt out of there. Guns actually can deter crime since no one wants to get shot.
I'm all for gun control ... for liberals.

I think all libtards should put a sign in the window of their houses that says 'Gun Free Zone'.

Starting with Hambil the gerbilpacker.