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Gun-Grabbers at the Chicago Tribune


New member
As usual, they predicate their argument on three words -- "well regulated Militia" -- and claim beyond this you and I have no right to own firearms. "The amendment was intended to protect the authority of the states to organize militias. The inartful wording has left the amendment open to public debate for more than 200 years," the Tribune claims.

Efforts at gun control can be linked with a pro-crime agenda, so it is perfectly appropriate that Chicago, with its rich traditions of organized crime, should be a hub of efforts to create a helpless target-rich environment out of the US population.

As Kurt points out, the focus on "Well regulated militia" is misleading, as those words are defined today, there might be an argument, but in order to determine the intentions of the framers of the Constitution, we need to use those words as they used them.

In 1776, the militia was every able-bodied man not in the regular military. Everybody. There was no national guard in 1776. There was not even supposed to be a standing army in peacetime.

In 1776, 'regulation' was a mechanical term rather than a legal term. The spin-governor on a steam engine or water wheel, for example, was the 'regulator.' Thus, in 1776, 'well regulated' meant in good working order, i.e. the rifles would fire reliably and hit what they were aimed at.

The reason "militia" and "security of a free state" were included in the wording of the Second Amendment was to reinforce that the type of weapons under discussion were military weapons, not hunting or self-defense weapons (the necessity of which in 1776 was beyond discussion). The purpose of the Second Amendment was to guarantee the right of citizens to possess military arms equal to those held by the government itself.
Allowing the masses to arm themselves keeps the status quo. Otherwise, Bush would have no problem being the next Hitler.