Troll Kingdom

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HAHA! I have owned all you cocksuckers

Loopy from TW

New member
I love how you come over to TW and mention how much I pissed all you monkey fuckers off! Thanks for letting me know how god dmaned great I am! Feel free to post more if you like.​
Compared to the post that opened this thread, it was like Plato, Dickens, Christie, Chekov & Dahl all rolled into one.
Gagh said:
Compared to the post that opened this thread, it was like Plato, Dickens, Christie, Chekov & Dahl all rolled into one.

Speaking of Dickens.......

or is it Dickless??

You must be a real medical anomaly to the docs who have had to perform physical's on you. I can hear the staff laughing as I am typing this.
they biched an moaned about my spamming, yet this cactus sitter did the same thing. At least all of my posts were something different.
^^they are good about the the bitching and moaning part. If only they could make me moan in ecstacy.

That would be asking a little much of some of them.
FederalAgent007 said:
^^they are good about the the bitching and moaning part. If only they could make me moan in ecstacy.

That would be asking a little much of some of them.

seeing as you are over the age of 8.