Halloween Pedophiles


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
It appears that Pedo bear has been working overtime during this time of year. I saw on TV how the police are going all over the city rounding up all the registered sex offenders and child molesters, making sure that they have no decorations on their property or any other items that's aimed at luring children to them, nor are they allowed to pass out candy to anyone.. not even to adults!!

They also have to have a sign posted on both their lawn and their froint door in bold large letters informing all adults and passer-by'ers that they are registered sex offenders and to keep their children away.


Elder Statesman
Might want to round up the costume companies. Some of the "tween" costumes are VERY disturbing. If I had a daughter, I would NOT let them buy or wear them (much less go out of the house in them). For once, I'm not putting a photo of one up...too scary.

I've complained about this for years, but it's getting WORSE.

If I had a daughter, I think I'd have her be a robot...LOTS of boxes with tin foil...and spikes.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
One thing that totally shocked me about this, is that there appeared to be more than a handful of women offenders that were caught up in this roundup too!

I was looking at this like WTF? :eek:


Forever Empress E
I agree for the most part about making sure people know where a person who is a danger to society is so they can be avoided.

However, I know of a few guys who are registered sex offenders with truthful but misleading information posted about them on the internet sex offenders lists. Yes, both of them had sex with minors - 15 and 16 year old girls. The pictures of both of these guys shows them to be in their early 30s and it appears the act was forced. However, when they committed the acts for which they were found guilty and imprisoned, they were 18 and 19 and the girls were girls they had been having a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship with for some years. There was no forced act - just the male teenager had a birthday. In one case, the couple even married later. The sex offender sites should make clear the age of the offender at the time of the offense as well as the age of the victim. Not that it excuses the young men, I would just find it a little less unsettling living next to the sex offender who was an older teenager who had sex with his girlfriend who was still underage by a few years than I would feel living next to the sex offender who was in his 30s and raped his 90 year old grandmother (and it happens).

But, yeah, dressing little girls up like prostitutes is a very weird costume idea for any parent.

Internet Troll

New Member
the pedobear is working overtime to collect all taxes


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What city?


Elder Statesman
Appropriate "Goldylocks" for children:


Appropriate for "tweens":



