Han and Lando sitcom


I want to smell dark matter
Would you watch a sitcom set in the Star Wars universe (with actual actors, not some Robot Chicken BULLSHIT) with Han and Lando as roomates hussling in the BIG CITY planet (Coruscant), with Chewie as the WACKY NEIGHBOUR and special guest star Jabba The Hutt as the boss from hell (he wants them to cook slaves girls for dinner!)? If you say no, you're probably not alive.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I'm watching that every time I close my eyes.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Only if Max Rebo is the guy who runs the newsstand on the corner.


I want to smell dark matter
I don't think that would fit his established backstory, sorry.

Dr Dave

I might. I'd have to record it if it was on at the same time as Judge Dr Dave (which would be unlikely).


Is this real life?
Max Reebo could be the busker on the street corner who comes into their preferred Ceffoo (it's like coffee) house to hang out every few episodes. In one episode the rest of his band find out he's been spending his lunchtimes with Han and Lando "because they're COOLER than us, HUH?", asks the one with the trumpetty lips and there's a long drawn out speech about how people can be great friends, but sometimes they need to see other people to REMIND them of what great friends they are. The episode finishes with the band happily playing the Cantina tune and all the extras dancing. Han and Lando (or Hando, as shippers dub them) sit on the LopaDopaSofaMofa (it's a sofa) patting themselves on the back for sorting out another minor moral issue, even though all they really did was tell Max Reebo to "talk" with the others, and he blatantly did all the hard work while they had a dumb story about a Tac (it's like a cat) stuck up an Eert (it's like a tree).


Boobie inspector
Will there be a 20 second pause every time someone enters a room to give the crowd time to whoop and cheer?


I want to smell dark matter
30 seconds.

(or Hando, as shippers dub them)

They will, won't they? There should be some kind of sponsorship deal with tumblr. There must be a way to make money out of the inevitable "Han and Lando look at each other in a way that's almost homoerotic if you really want to see it" gifs.