Happy birthday EGGS MAYONNAISE!


I want to smell dark matter

Happy Birthday Pink GIF


xtra factor twins GIF

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Thanks, good strange people of TK.

Not sure how happy I am with my birthday now being associated with today's events, but HEY Robin Williams, Betty Gilpin and Don Knotts share my birthday SO THERE!


I want to smell dark matter
I was playing the Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake on Nintendo Switch recently and you get a Kid Yoshi companion who starts off as an egg and the Goomba companion calls it "little eggy-weggy" and I thought "is that a Clockwork Orange reference in Paper Mario!?" and then when I saw it was your birthday I thought "I'll post a screencap of her saying that!" but the best I could find on Google Image Search was a thumbnail from a youtube video and I didn't think that was good enough to post but a day's gone by and I decided to post it anyway happy one day after birthday good story Wacky.



I want to smell dark matter
Happy birthday, CKLT! I only knew it was Eggy-Weggy's because of Facebook. I miss when the TK index had today's birthday.


I want to smell dark matter
Star Trek Tea GIF by Goldmaster